? for framer


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
Bill, lately, and most of the time, I'll select a thread on Warped to read, having seen the latest posted time on the Grumble Forum page.
When I actually select the thread, the latest post won't be on there. The latest post showing will be an earlier post than the time shown on the Forum page.
I can go all the way back to the Grumble, where it lists all the forums, hit refresh, then go back to warped, and it does ok. But, the next thread I read might do the same thing.
It's not a complaint, just a curious question. Has anyone else noticed this??
Charles, I just noticed, I think the same thing tonight. I went to the main forum page, clicked on a forum with a new topic, and when it took me there, no noew topic. I had to go back and click on the topic, and, there it was.

Also, on the topic of questions, how about some sort of "light bulb" that could go on when a person has a private message. I got rid of the email notification thing, cause the email contained the entire message, which was like seeing a present whilst someone is wrapping it. Mind you, I have only gotten one private message so far (thanks, Charles!)but I do try to remember to check every day, and it would be a lot easier if there was some notification system (OTHER THAN email!)
To clarify a bit:
If I click on the latest thread reply on the Forum page, it NEVER takes me to the latest post. I have to go to the main Forum, open it, and THEN it will show the newest post.
It's done what I described earlier too, but the thing I just mentioned is an every-time thing.
Still not complaining, Bill. Just a glitch, I guess.

The same thing happens to me, but not often. I believe what's happening is that your browser is reading from the cache. Your browser saves recently visited web pages in a temporary folder on your hard drive so that, if you visit the page again, it will come up much faster. The problem is, that the version of the page that comes up may not be the most recent available.

There may be some browser settings that you can tweak to avoid this. I'll look into it. In the meantime, a "work-around" is to refresh the old page. You don't have to go back to the main forum page to do this - just refresh the page that appears not to be the most recent.


Try this: Assuming you're using Microsoft's browser, click on Tools then Internet Options. At the General tab under Temporary Internet Files click on Settings. Under Check for newer versions of stored pages I have Automatically checked, which seems to work most of the time. You can experiment with this setting to se what works for you.

The exact menu layout will depend on which version of IE Explorer you're using, but you should have some similar options.

Why is it that everything you want to do in Windows is like a scavenger hunt?

It just happened to me too. I went to Picture Frame Design and the ewest topic listed on the forums page was not there.

I've also been having to reload some pages 3 or 4 times before I can get them.

Ron, good theory, but I don't think that's what's happening to me. This just started in the last 4~5 days. I have no problems with other BBS's or sites.
But, I'm a computer dummy, as you know. It's interesting, though, that others are having the same problems.....
Thanks for the response!!
I've had similiar problem. I go to the top of the page where it says "show topics for last 20 days" and change that to 10 days and get the newest. It started with the new aboard but since I found a quick solution and figured maybe it was only me so I didn't mention. It's only a computer and they are not all perfect all the time.
I’ve being getting a bit of the same thing, when it happens everything seems to be running slow, it not a big deal.

JPeat you can change the amount of days by going into your profile and changing it there it will then default to your chosen amount of day till you change your profile again.

I will check in to this. Sometimes it's a cache on a server in cyberspace. I've seen that happen also.


P.S. Sometimes holding the left shift key down when you click the reload button forces a real reload.
This is an ongoing thing for me with the Frame Design forum. Unless I go to the latest topic from the visable link, I can't see anything past the Tole thread no matter how many new topics there are.
