Football & Jersey

Nice job, jPaul.

How did you attach the football bubble on top of the jersey? I can't find any attaching devices in your photo? It doesn't appear to be attached too tightly so as to crush down the wrinkle in the sleeve, ........ very natural looking.

Good looking job.

Very nice!I could see these being very popular for you, and for me as well. Thanks and nice work!
I like the design. This is a football crazed town and it's nice to see another way to treat some of that memorabilia.

Thanks for sharing!
I couldn't find it in the United catalog...what is the number on that...PLEASE?
Like the idea of not showing both sleeves, customers always trying to get price down on this type of thing, this is a good way to reduce size and therefore price if and when it suits.

How is the shirt spaced from the glass?

I see so many things on the Grumble that are not readily available in UK, one of my suppliers is getting this in his email tomorrow!
Nicely done - John Paul
I like the way you balanced it out w/ the trading cards.
I'll have to try something similar w/ a Steelers motif. ;)
Originally posted by Julie-Tulie:
I couldn't find it in the United catalog...what is the number on that...PLEASE?
Julie, I'm at home but I'm sure if you ask for the football dome acrylic they will know what you are talking about. They also have them for golf balls/baseball,tennis/soccer

Of course when Peter looks at this post he'll be able to tell you the #
Originally posted by RoboFramer:

How is the shirt spaced from the glass?

The moulding is Framerica and if you look closely at the frame on the right hand side you can see the spacer. I used what we call here in USA screen moulding. It is aval at any lumber yard at about .22 per foot. 3/4" wide x 1/4" thick, and I stained to match with a stain marker.
That is a really cool design, jPaul. The bubble for the football is a great idea as then you don't need to use such a deep frame. You said that the bubble is pressure fit onto the acrylic - is there any possibility that it will 'let go' some day?

You did such an excellent job staining your spacer that at first glance it looks like it is part of the frame moulding - well done! Would the 'screen moulding' be the same as 'lattice', here in Canada? It seems to be the same dimensions as you stated, and is often used as a decorative feature in privacy fences. However, the lattice that I often come across is quite rough in texture and yours looks very smooth (or did you just sand it really well?)

Your football jersey shadow box is great too, boxer1. Are all those names cut out of the top matte? Do you have a computer matte cutter to do that fancy cutting? I also like the way you have the matte exposed with the word "Steelers" on it. It is really interesting and different from just having a regular rectangular opening.
Originally posted by Angie Pearson, CPF:
My depth perception is all messed up... I'm sure it is but have to ask anyway... is the football sticking out of the glass? I have not seen these yet.
Angie, the acrylic sheet has a hole cut out of it and the the football dome slips in the cut out with the ball deflated and in place. So yes the football sticks out about 1/2 of its depth.
Originally posted by Twin2:
is there any possibility that it will 'let go' some day?

Would the 'screen moulding' be the same as 'lattice', here in Canada? It seems to be the same dimensions as you stated, and is often used as a decorative feature in privacy fences. However, the lattice that I often come across is quite rough in texture and yours looks very smooth (or did you just sand it really well?)

I think there is no possiblity of the dome coming loose even though it is a pressure fit, because the pressure that the football places between the dome and the backing keeps it in place.

The screen moulding we have here is not the same as lattice. Screen mouldings here usually are two styles. One is 3/4" wide (face) and 1/4" thick, usually the two sides of the face are slightly rounded. The second style is like the first but has a fluted face. Both styles are smooth to start with. Lattice moulding are usually pressure treated for out door garden use and are normally wider on the face more like 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" and maybe 3/16" thick. Really any thin wood strip could be used, screen moulding were just handy as they were perfect as is.
What a great idea.that looks top.i have not framed a ice hockey jersey yet just hunderds of soccer shirts ;) being in the uk probley does not help!!!here is a shirt i framed for a comp a while back .i got the glass etched and the star back filled with gold gilt for a nice finishing touch.


Originally posted by j Paul:

think there is no possiblity of the dome coming loose even though it is a pressure fit, because the pressure that the football places between the dome and the backing keeps it in place.
Oops, I hadn't realized that you had cut a hole in the acrylic and the football dome slips in the cut out area. I guess my depth perception isn't that great either. It looked like the dome was just mounted on top of the piece of acrylic.

Karen Haverstock

P.S. Loved your soccer jersey shadow box, taylor26!