I believe you mean "height" of the machine, since you asked to measure to the top of the vertical tubes....
The 60 inch machine would be about 4 inches greater than the 60 inch cutting capacity to allow room for the Upper End Bracket, and the 48 inch machine would therefore measure about 48 inches + 4 inches = 52 inches.
(I'm not in front of my machine either, but will confirm those measurements.)
I'm assuming that you're looking at ceiling clearance in your shop? As
Ron mentioned, he needs about 95 inches, which matches up pretty well with the "Recommended height" for the upper mounting bracket at 92 inches for the 60 inch machine, according to the Fletcher-Terry manual.
If mounted at this optimum height, the material rests sits at a comfortable height. The primary F-3000 in my shop is mounted in this postion, according to the manual. A secondary F-3000 is mounted to the back of a large matboard cabinet, about 4 inches lower. It works fine, but if a person were to be operating all day long, you would find the rest just a bit uncomfortably low.