Fletcher 2200 optional toys?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jan 1, 2005
I was wandering if I should get the measuring stops or do people find cutting by the lines near the blade easy enough? I can see the stops being very handy when cutting several mats to the same size opening. I cut my mats weighted and it would be a lot of adjusting. I don't use the sight gauge. I find I'm always knocking it loose.

What about the clamp lifters? Seems useful, but maybe feel awkward at first?

I plan on getting the squaring arm later, but now it needs to be portable until I get more space.

I got the 48”. I hope I don't miss having the 60 incher. 60” it is just too big for my space.

A CMC would be great, but I'm at home now. I plan to open a small shop in the next couple of years. If I can pull that off and make some $$, perhaps a CMC then... For now I'm getting most critical tools a framer needs.

Yes. Stops help to cut a perfect mat every time. You will need them the most if you have to cut a very large order of mats, and that always happens, now and then. The clamp lifters, sure, why not? If it makes your work easier, go for it.

I have the production stops and they work great. In fact, I have two sets: One for 8 ply and one for 4 ply -- saves having to mess with them each time I switch jobs. I also have two angle blade cartridges: one set up for the right depth for 8 ply and one for 4 ply ... again, for the same reason as above.

I also have the clamp lifters -- VERY useful if you are working alone without a helper.

The squaring arm is great but the adjustment mechanism is a little fragile for my liking ... the only non-precision part of the whole package. However, despite the extra trouble to get it set up to be square initially, it is very much worth it.

CMC? Not sure what that is.
CMC=Computerized Mat Cutter (e.g. Wizard, Eclipse.)

I took the stops and parallel mat guide off my Fletcher even before I bought my CMC. I'm a line-drawing kinda guy.
I started out with stops and then noticed every old school framer that I learned most from didn't use them.

Off they went and haven't missed them since.

I just know when to stop by feel after a while.

If you have others using it I would suggest stops. Just a matter of personal style.

When I did use the stops they worked very well and I think took the same amount of time to use.

I guess I just made an argument for either.

I should go into politics. (No, to nasty here in Jersey)
My choice for 2200 toys:

Extended base: can't live without it. Perfect for multi-openings. Reason I bought the 2200 in the first place!

Clamp lifters: Hear they are worthwhile, don't have them, yet. But lifting the bar with my wrist while positioning the multi-opening mats makes me have sweet dream of them! Something about carpal tunnel scares me.

45° cutter bar adapter: I want to be able to cut mats that look like this <big><big><big><big><big><big>۞</big></big></big></big></big></big>!
I had a squaring arm on my C&H, miss it for measuring the multi-openings. But it was hard to keep square, easy enough to square up with the 3' carpenter square.
I love the clamp lifters. Iused to have a little bump on my left wrist from popping it up to lift the bar. No more.

I love my 60"er!

Uh-oh, Peter, two sets of stops? Now I'm gonna have to get 'em. Thanks A LOT!

edie the cuckoofortools goddess
Thanks for the input. I think I'll get the lifters first. I'm not sold on the stops. I may wait until (if) I open a store.

Bob, I built a 45° guide out of plexi (see the home made forum). Works great!

Oh, one more thing I forgot to ask before, When I loosen the mat guide knob, the mat guide stays fixed. I have to wiggle it free. The manual says nothing about lubricating, so I won't do that out of fear of screwing something up. Perhaps it is not assembled right. I may email Fletcher Monday.

the stops perform the same function as the stops on a router. It insures that if you are not sticking to task, you will not likely make a mistake. At the price of a mat, that little bit of insurance is a great thing. It pays for it self in no time