MGF, Master Grumble Framer
I operate a homebased framing business and have recently gotten an order to do some frames that my matte cutter won't handle (to small). My local wholesaler has advised me of one of their customers who is selling a Fletcher 2000 that hasn't been used in ~5 years and was lightly used before that. I believe it is a 60" model....she said it measured 59" standing against the wall. They took over a photography business that used to cut their own mattes, the new owners just get the wholesaler to do it for them. I haven't seen it yet. What would be a fair price be for this? I realize that it is older, are their any limitations that it might have over a 2100? My current cutter cannot cut over 40", there is no way to start and stop a cut, move the matte and finish. I really was looking for a 48" model, but if the price is right.....and if I can fit it in my shop, on my cutting table.....Anyway, thanks!