Fletcher 2000 Production stops?


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Dec 1, 2004
New Westminster, B.C. Canada
OK, this has me scratching my head. I very carefully set up my matte cutter stops a couple of weeks ago and have successfully used them to speed up making my windows. Last night I tried to cut a 5" window, set up the stops and large rail. Before I put blade to paper I checked where the blade would hit...~3/4" overcut...Glad I didn't commit the cut. I double checked all my setting and even though they were set right I would have had a major overcut. I ended up eyballing it and it turned out fine...but what gives? I haven't gone and done any smaller windows since last night to double check but even if they were out a bit, I can't imagine them being out that much. Other than basic adjustments for different size borders is there something else that could have changed?

I found that these have to be constantly checked because they will loosen up with use. 3/4 is a lot of movement, did you check both stops? Top and bottom on the rail??

I found that once in a while it was just a brain cloud :)

not much help, but they do loosen up and move on you and they have to be watched

my lousy 2 cents

This has also happened to me; however, never as much as 3/4". It has been a long time since I have had to make any adjustments since I tightened the screws so tight I may never get them off again. If you need steps in aligning them again, I will be glad to walk you through.
Phoneguy Canuck,

In regards to your problem, we first need to recognize that...

1 - Stops out of adjustment 3/4 inch, is not an overcut or undercut....something major is probably being misread or mispositioned.

2 - If a stop is out of adjustment with a 4 inch wide mat, and everything else is set the same way, the error would be exactlly the same on a 6 inch mat or a 1 inch mat. Mat border dimensions have nothing to do with the error, plus or minus on the stop settings.

My first guess would be to check to see where you were "reading" the top stop. Obviously the scale is read on the near side of the stop, closest to the adjusting screw. If a framer read this on the opposite side of the stop, this would create about a 3/4 inch overcut <u>on the entrance cut</u>.

Another possibility, would be if the mat gauge were not utilized, this could cause problems. (The mat gauge is that small black block that slides out of the mat guide.) If this is not used as a reference point for the bottom of the mat, then a properly adjusted bottom stop would create about a 3/4 inch undercut <u>on the exit cut</u>


To prevent the stops from loosening, simply remove them from the machine and tighten the locking screw (not the adjustment screw), while in the air. The extra force you exert will hold them in position. You simply cannot tighten this securely while they are on the machine.

If you have further questions, James, please feel free to call Fletcher-Terry customer service, or drop me a personal email.


(Currently at the Atlanta Gift Market

Consultant to The Fletcher-Terry Co.