Flat-panel glut good for holiday shoppers
Back some time ago I had indicated that flat panel screens would remain relative expensive till production came on line in some of the new factories been built around the world…..those factories are now up and running so the price of flat panels has started to fall….this could be a good time to start looking for some bargains
Full story here: http://news.com.com/Flat-panel+glut+good+for+holiday+shoppers/2100-1041_3-5876036.html?tag=fd_nbs_ent&tag=nl.e703
Back some time ago I had indicated that flat panel screens would remain relative expensive till production came on line in some of the new factories been built around the world…..those factories are now up and running so the price of flat panels has started to fall….this could be a good time to start looking for some bargains
Full story here: http://news.com.com/Flat-panel+glut+good+for+holiday+shoppers/2100-1041_3-5876036.html?tag=fd_nbs_ent&tag=nl.e703