Flashing Movement


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2001
Mansfield, Ohio
How come when I go to a post Framer did, that his shoes jerk together with a black flash instead of the nice and easy way they did.

Ron's computer flashes on and off with a black line pounding over his butt.

What is my computer doing?
Questions first;

Have you changed anything lately?
Loaded a very graphic intense program?
Changed Display settings or your monitor?

Hit it with a Hammer?
Poured coffee on it?
Anything you can think of?

Downloaded anything recently?
When I had to put in a new hardrive, I lost all of "My Pictures" that I had rotating on my screen saver. A long time ago I had made a floppy of them and there were a lot I didn't use any more. They are all back on now, every one of them.

By the way. I get the animated computer guy at the top of this forum fine.

Other than that, I installed Windows XP Home and got rid of Windows ME. I don't think I changed or spilled anything else.

I did beat my printer to death with a hammer and got a new printer. That was a year ago. I felt so good and released a bundle of tension.

[ 04-29-2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: PurplePerson ]
It might be your video card driver. I would suggest figuring out what kind is in there and going to that companies web page to get the newest and latest video driver for Windows XP.

That should fix it up

If the problem started after installing XP, then Mike is dead on. More than likely the video card needs the updated XP driver. What type of video card do you have?
I have no idea where to find a video card or how to figure out what it is or how to update it.

Can you give a computer ignorant a step by step help. Sorry to bug you all.

How come
looks just fine?
I have no idea where to find a video card or how to figure out what it is or how to update it.

Can you give a computer ignorant a step by step help. Sorry to bug you all.
It's no bother at all.

From the desktop or START button:

Right click on MY COMPUTER
Click on PROPERTIES at the bottom of the menu.
Click on the HARDWARE tab.
Click on the + sign to the left of DISPLAY ADAPTERS
You should see the name of your video card just below. Double click on it.
Click on the DRIVER tab and note the name, date, and version #.

You can use this info to figure out the maker of the card. Then, go to that company's web page, find your model (from above) and download the current WINDOWS XP DRIVER for it. The driver will probably have installation instructions with it.

If not, expand the driver to a folder and repeat the above instructions. Click on UPDATE DRIVER and then "install from a specific location". Pick INCLUDE THIS PATH IN THE SEARCH and hit BROWSE so it points to the place where you put the driver. Hit NEXT a few times and you should be all set.

If you get stuck and need assistance, don't hesitate to call. I'll be at the shop all day Saturday and will be glad to help.


[ 04-30-2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: RHODY ]
Rhody, I just printed out your instructions and will give these a shot when I get home from work tonight. Thank you. I will check back in.
It may not be Purp's computer. I am not having the same problem she is here at my computer in the store. It is XP. But I did notice last night on my computer at home that Ron's butt in his avatar was flashing a black box. I assumed it was like on TV when they obscure an image due to content. I thought maybe Ron had dropped his drawers and somebody had covered it up with a black box.

But obviously it goes much deeper than that. Purp, you are not alone.
You should probably upgrade your video driver too. I had to do the same when I installed XP, about 18 months ago.

XP is the upgrade from Windows NT/2000, not from windows 95/98/ME. Many of the drivers that worked on windows 98 will be unstable with XP, so it's good to check for updates.

Originally posted by RHODY:
Click on the HARDWARE tab.
You know, I only discovered about two weeks ago (after using XP daily for about a year) that XP even has a device manager. I always assumed it was more like NT than 9x.
My black lines are gone and all is well. I never did anything, yet, because I haven't had time. But I will still update the video card.