'Fitting Up' Commercial Framing


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Apr 24, 2002
Pittsfield, MA - The Berkshires
I've noticed that some framers doing contract work, ie. large orders for hotels, do not 'finish' or 'close' the backs of the framing as we would do for a 'regular' customer. I just replaced broken glass on a 'contract' pc. and the artwork was just bradded in and then taped with a brown tape. I just finished a large order for a bank and I closed them all as I usually do; paper, bumpons & store sticker. What do you do?
I use a paper dust cover unless I know they're going to want to change the picture regularly (or I'm using a metal frame.)

In some parts of the world, taping the backs is traditional instead of paper.
If the customer is going to be changing the picture regularly (eg school pics of the grandkids) I close the back with turn buttons.

The idea is that they can then make the change themselves. They never do, though. So I charge them for a re-fit and enjoy watching the kids grow up.

It's silly to pass up an opportunity to put your shop sticker on a piece. Unless it's reallyreallyreally ugly and you'd be embarrassed to let anyone know you did it.

I would think that leaving it unsealed is better than what many seem to do, which appears to be sealing with acid full paper.

On volume jobs we do not spend the time to put paper on the back. These are NOT conservation jobs. They are quick and cheap, down and dirty framing. It is getting easier to compete with on some of these types of jobs because the big discount retailers can't fill the number needed in the time frame most builders are working on.
On contract jobs I often don't use paper. I haven't really found that tape was much faster nor cheaper but I don't have to worry about the paper getting torn in all the handling the pieces go through. We also don't fill the frame with foamboard or cloroplast or cardboard or whatever...that would just add to the expense.
<FONT SIZE="4">For most designers and large orders I use 3&quot; non-reinforced
paper tape, 600' rolls @$2.68 per roll.</FONT></P>

<FONT SIZE="4">(http://www.taperoll.com/Pricelst.htm)</FONT></P>

<FONT SIZE="4">It is inexpensive and fast. It also holds up well, when the
art has to be transported.</FONT></P>

<FONT SIZE="4">And I highly recommend the Marsh Tape dispenser.</FONT></P>



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Oh, Snafu, your Marsh is SO much cleaner
then mine. I like the "inches" feature over
the old Dillard. Yet the Dillard was a faster
reload during hot runs.

Tape any run more than 25, and sawtooth anything smaller than 16x20.
