1. Time to mount the art in the center overlay. Size a piece of 2-ply rag to fit inside the overlay, making sure there is about a 1/16-inch of play. Cut the opening so the edge of mat is about 1/16-inch back from the edge of the fillet, as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1
Lay the mat on the backside of the fillet with the bevel showing. You should be able to wiggle the mat slightly without the edge showing from the front.
2. Size a 4-ply rag board to the same size as the 2-ply above. Cut 2 small slits about 1-inch down from the top about 2 inches long, see figure 2.
Figure 2
Place a piece of clean scrap paper, sized several inches larger than the art on your bench. Place the art upside down on the paper. Using a straight edge, place it diagonal from corner to corner, be exact, draw a pencil line from the corners out a couple of inches as shown in figure 2a.
Figure 2a Now place the 4-ply rag on the art with the slits on the topside of the art, and the corners intersect the lines on the paper. Make sure both the art corners and the rag board corners perfectly intersect the lines. Draw a light pencil line in the center of each slit. This marks the place where your hinges will be attached. Attach your hinges to the art and let dry. Now slide the hinge through the slip, center the art on the rag board, and complete attaching the hinges on the backside of the rag board. I like to reduce pressure on the art and allow some expansion room by using small strips of plexi as shown in figure 3. I'll let this picture tell all.
3. Size a couple of scrap pieces of 3/16 inch foamcore smaller than the inside opening of the center overlay. Place the overlay upside down on your bench. Lay the two pieces of foamcore in the center. Take the 4-ply rag board with the attached art and put face down into the overlay. Size a piece of foamcore the same size as the 4-ply rag and place on top in the back of the overlay. Now secure with framer points or nails, see figure 4.
<center>Figure 4</center>
4. Center the center overlay on top of the plexi.
From underneath drill one small starter hole through one of the holes in the plexi into the standoff. The pilot hole should be no deeper then 1/4 inch into the standoff. Using a #6 - 1/2 inch panhead screw, attach at the first hole. Check the overlay to be sure it's still centered. If everything still centered attach the overlay with a second screw on another side. If everything still centered finish attaching the overlay to the plexi.
Tighten the screws just to the point they start to snug up. This allows the plexi to expand and contract a little. See Figure 6
5. Place a clean piece of plexi in the frame allowing 1/8 inch for expansion. Secure it with 1 1/4 inch wide strips of 4-ply rag drymounted to 3/16 inch foamcore as shown in figure 5.
<center>Figure 5</center>
6. Clean, Clean, CLEAN... Clean the fingerprints off the fillets. Put the whole thing together and attach using framer points or I prefer offsets.
<center>Figure 6</center>
7. Finish back as you normally would.
Parts list
La Marche Molding # 1062
Victor Fillet # 10942
FoamX Brand Foamcore 3/16 regular
FoamX Brand Acid Free 1/8 foamcore (any brand will do)
4-Ply Rag
2-Ply Rag
ATG #969 Super Sticky
1/8 Paper Covered Plexi (buy the best you can get)
#6 - 1/2 Pan Head Wood Screws
Linen used Raphel Fabrics # 518 Linen
Drymount tissue used is a glassine type called postermount. MD96 or MT5 could also be used. Different tissues cause the tint of the fabric to change.
Copyright 1999 William McKay DBA The Picture Framers Grumble
No reproduction without consent of author.
This does not mean you can't make the design you just can't use the text or pictures shown here to write story for publication.
[This message has been edited by framer (edited 02-14-99).]

Figure 1
Lay the mat on the backside of the fillet with the bevel showing. You should be able to wiggle the mat slightly without the edge showing from the front.
2. Size a 4-ply rag board to the same size as the 2-ply above. Cut 2 small slits about 1-inch down from the top about 2 inches long, see figure 2.

Place a piece of clean scrap paper, sized several inches larger than the art on your bench. Place the art upside down on the paper. Using a straight edge, place it diagonal from corner to corner, be exact, draw a pencil line from the corners out a couple of inches as shown in figure 2a.

3. Size a couple of scrap pieces of 3/16 inch foamcore smaller than the inside opening of the center overlay. Place the overlay upside down on your bench. Lay the two pieces of foamcore in the center. Take the 4-ply rag board with the attached art and put face down into the overlay. Size a piece of foamcore the same size as the 4-ply rag and place on top in the back of the overlay. Now secure with framer points or nails, see figure 4.

4. Center the center overlay on top of the plexi.

5. Place a clean piece of plexi in the frame allowing 1/8 inch for expansion. Secure it with 1 1/4 inch wide strips of 4-ply rag drymounted to 3/16 inch foamcore as shown in figure 5.
<center>Figure 5</center>

6. Clean, Clean, CLEAN... Clean the fingerprints off the fillets. Put the whole thing together and attach using framer points or I prefer offsets.
<center>Figure 6</center>
7. Finish back as you normally would.

Parts list
La Marche Molding # 1062
Victor Fillet # 10942
FoamX Brand Foamcore 3/16 regular
FoamX Brand Acid Free 1/8 foamcore (any brand will do)
4-Ply Rag
2-Ply Rag
ATG #969 Super Sticky
1/8 Paper Covered Plexi (buy the best you can get)
#6 - 1/2 Pan Head Wood Screws
Linen used Raphel Fabrics # 518 Linen
Drymount tissue used is a glassine type called postermount. MD96 or MT5 could also be used. Different tissues cause the tint of the fabric to change.
Copyright 1999 William McKay DBA The Picture Framers Grumble
No reproduction without consent of author.
This does not mean you can't make the design you just can't use the text or pictures shown here to write story for publication.
[This message has been edited by framer (edited 02-14-99).]