First fillet attempt results


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
Thanks for the help from everyone on the fillet.
I ordered it chopped and cut the mat to fit it.
I took scrap the same size as the mat I was using and locked my cutter at what I thought was the right size. Cut then adjust. 3 scrap mats later I had a perfect fit
Patients is the name of the game.

Frame and fillet are Roma
Mat is Bainbridge fabric Imperial Suede. Mat and frame are both lighter than picture suggest.

The only think I do not like is that the fillet corners do not match design wise, but I know that is next to impossible and impossible ordering chop, but I think it still looks good
I am happy with it.

Museum glass spaced off mat with 1/4 econo space black attached to frame.

Yes, I removed the finger print off the glass after I took the picture ;)


also, the fillet and the frame's beading are exact matches color wise. Shows odd in photo.
Get a Fillet Master, and learn to chop the fillet after you have the mat, and you will make money at it.

You're design eye is right on. It's the putting the fillet before the mat that is the problem if any.

Other than that, great job
Way to go. Next, 8 sided fillet!

Yes I know it was cart before the horse, but I do not have the room / space / business / time / finances to invest in a chopper / saw. I order all chops and sand with the AMP sander. THat works fine for me.

I am happy with it and most importantly the girlfriend is happy with it! Its her's.

In the future, I have had an offer from a member around me that has offered to help me chop fillets when needed.

I am still trying to learn how to photograph framed items....

PS: Even with a chopper how realistic / possible is it to get the corner designs to match up right?
I wouldn't try to chop through the middle of a bead, unless you have superior chop precision. It will stick out like a sore thumb if it's even slightly off center. Add enough length to make it come out like the lower left side (evenly between beads). I'm 'retentive' enough to worry with that, also...because it matters.

And yes, that IS putting the fillet ahead of the mat. Just my 2 cents...
"Rough" cut out the legs to match up the way you want.
Cut the mat...
final sand or shave to make fit.

If you're that AR. :D

Or easier yet... don't sell beaded fillets.
*golf clap*

Don't sweat the beads, as it's been pointed out it's pretty difficult to match them exactly. But the smaller the pattern the less of a problem it is.

One tip though. The spacers are meant to be attached to the glass, not the frame. You can't rely on the adhesive to hold on the wood. Or avoid the problem altogether by using the FrameSpace spacers from FrameTek. They attach mechanically with no adhesives ever to give way.
I second that......FrameSpace spacers are the way to go! No adhesive to deal with at the time of doing the project, or years later (as in giving away).
Different strokes for different folks is all that I can say. That piece has gotten me a lot more work hanging in the office that it is in.