First Day Open in New Location!


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 9, 2001
Skaneateles,NY USA
Well, today is the day! Our first day in our new location. Not everything is here yet, but the design area is looking spiffy, and we can take orders! Have been moving and working for the last three weeks on new displays, and counters and workbenches. Underestimated the time for the construction of things, but I met the target date of 1/17 (we normally close for 3 weeks after christmas - pretty dead here). We just have minor stuff to move (excess mats, glass, etc).

I'm excited, because we now have our sales and framing in ONE location and we have our VERY OWN PARKING!!! Framing in one location and selling in another location has been rough on the body, and parking has been our #1 customer complaint. We have lots more space to display mouldings, much larger counter design space, room for classes if we choose, a private consultation room and a place to chop mouldings when we get that equipment. I think we have encomassed everything we need to grow.

I think our location is great - we are across the street from the only grocery store, and we are located next to the brand new independently owned bookstore and coffe shop which is absolutely gorgeous and has had a ton of traffic since they opened. Just down the street is the postoffice, and two drugstores. The location is a coup in itself, because getting any type of space here is like pulling teeth - I'm glad I have friends thinking of me when they hear things. I am turning the other space into a new store that sells more gift items - its name is Infused! Opening date TBD!

So, off to finish up details for the first day of opening!

thanks for listening!

First of all - congrats!

But of course, I want to know how you communicated this move to your customer base?


I decided to send a direct mail postcard to each of my current customers that are in my database. I also supplied information to our largest newspaper "storefront" column and that was in the Sunday paper last week (largest paper, widest read day - got lucky :) ) and I also have sent a press release to the "local" paper that tells of the move - that comes out this wednesday. I will also utilize a bunch more free type postings for business journals, business spotlights, etc. I will also have a news release in our chamber newsletter I do advertise weekly in our saturday home and garden section of the largest newspaper - that is full run (13 million impressions) and full color - that has the new address; last week our ad was next to the HGTV Dream Home article - good placement!

Right now, that is it - the old store also has a sign stating where we are in case they missed any of the above, and I will be opening a different store there, but I will have the ability to direct customers to the new location if they happen to come there first out of habit :-( I will also have an open house once I get everything else moved in and settled

Any more suggestions?? Trying to stick to a budget :-(

Good luck w/ your new location, Elaine!

You were wise to contact your local paper to have them do an article on you move. That is like FREE advertising - a lot of store owners are hesitant to do this for fear of being turned down. To the contrary, most newspapers are looking for this as "fillers"

When you have time :D - post some photos of your new digs!


Sounds like a great move on your part to consolidate the store and workshop.

Have a Grand Opening!!

Sounds like you've done all the right things.

In case you're planning another postcard to your mailing list, I saw one that said, "Does art move you?" "It did us!"


Sounds like you covered all the bases.

Best of luck!

Dave Makielski
Elaine, congratulations! Your new location sounds like a "home run". I'd love to see some pictures too when you have time.
Betty, I love the slogan suggestion.

P.S.: With a name like Infusions!, I hope you'll be selling some teapots and other tea-related items in your gift shop.
Congratulations on your move and much success to you. May I ask if you worked with a commercial real estate agent in order to find this location? Do you have any pointers? Regards,
Elaine, hope your day was wonderful! Best wishes for great growth of your business in your new location. (I moved my shop in July and have loved every day spent in our new digs.)
Thanks for all the congrats!! Its amazing how many things were on my mind and on my list and its even MORE AMAZING the things I left off my list for today! 1) cash for drawer, 2) credit card machine not plugged into a line, 3) probably more, just can't remember - my sticky note list is stuck to something!

I can't say it was an amazing day of sales, but I did have customers waiting for me to open and a few steady customers up until the snow and icy roads hit town; one lady wasn't even a current customer, so she found me somehow!

I will post pictures as soon as I tidy up and finish up a few things; I don't have signage outside yet because I changed the name of the store and am working with the people to design a sign - just a banner in the window for right now.

Julia, I did not work with a commercial realtor; in this town it mostly who you know that gets you a space. I just happened to have a friend that is a sales rep in the area and she heard about it and called me - I didn't waste any time in calling the owner of the building directly. I can say that my "networking" has paid off the most in this area where retail space is at a premium. I had a lead on a mainstreet location, but no parking - they wanted between 3200 and 4000 a month; in a touristy town, a frameshop does not need to pay mainstreet rents - the tourists stand outside and say "thats just a frameshop" and walk on by. Very frustrating, but thats why I kept the other location and hopefully I can capitalize off the tourist trade now - hopefully they will come!!

Thanks again


New name:

Long Lake
Custom framing & Interiors


p.s. Sherry - I'm trying to win that HGTV dream house in Tyler Texas!!!