Fire in the plant?


Grumbler in Training
Feb 10, 2005
Has anyone heard of the fire that has shut down the Image Perfect plant, or is my salesman just blowing smoke? No pun intended.

I use Image Perfect glass alot and have not been able to get delivery for 3 weeks because of some fire he says they had in their production plant, which shut down operations.

The biggest problem is that just about everything I am working on right now needs that glass.
Boy, I am really starting to get upset because no one seems to know anything about this fire. I seem to be the only one who has been told and isn't getting shipped. Since my credit is great, the only thing I can figure is that they are bumping me for the big boxes and using some non-existant fire as an excuse.
Have you tried contacting them directly?

I haven't any use for the glass and secretly wish it would go away everytime a customer asks for it.

Maybe I should start playing the lottery.
Showshine: It's made here in St. Paul and I haven't heard anything about a fire.

Les: It's a major pain in the patute to work with so even though people may ask for it sometimes it's just not worth it.
Thanks for the info John.
Sorry PB for any misinterpretation.

I'm not sure if Image Perfect is available here in Oz.
So it takes a lot more care with handling than say True Vue or Guardian UV conservation glass ?

Are the benefits with a clearer / cleaner view, less glare, or a combination ?
Les, it is amazing how it disappears, you do want to touch it just to make sure the glass is on the picture. But, if you do touch it it will take you a very long time to reverse even one little fingerprint. Even dust settling on it can leave spots. Very hard to maintain for clients too. It also doesn't offer anymore UV protection than regular quality glass does. I hate the stuff. I have mentioned this before, I was offered a boatload of the stuff for free and I held my fingers in the shape of a cross as if to ward off evil spirits and I politely declined.

There is no doubt it is stunning to look at though. But, this thread has given me an idea for the future. If anybody does ask me if I sell it I will tell them there was a fire in the plant.........
Kathy, that was very funny!
The stuff is very difficult to keep clean or streak free once you've had to start cleaning it. If one uses minimal handling with gloves on it works and looks great, but get one small smudge on're in it for the long fit goodbye.
I have been using the glass for some time now (out of popular demand) and a couple of years ago they made some changes so it isn't so hard to work with, and doesn't outgas or finger print anymore. Maybe the reason no one knows about the fire is because no one is using the glass. Sure wish I wasn't into it so deep because it is really messing up my business. The next thing is denglas WaterWhite which is not cost factored in to the price of the pictures that the IP is needed for. Boohoo and wah wah wah.
I just don't get it. I tried the 800 number and it says that their mail box is full. Something is very wrong here. Makes me wonder if they aren't going out of business or something.

puttyboy, my salesman told me that it was an electrical fire and that there was mostly water damage from the sprinklers going off and ruining all the boxes. I called him again yesterday and he still has not gotten back to me. Last week he told me that he should be able to deliver by Mon. or Tue. But the glass never came and he isn't answering his phone. Guess I am going to have to bite the bullet and buy the WaterWhite. Ugh!
Tru Vue Perfect View might be a good substitute for Image Perfect. It is easier to use....uses regular glass cleaner and has the look of no glass.
Just for an update...I received a letter from my sales rep and he says that he doen't know when they will be back in production as they are waiting on some special part for the machine that makes that glass. Don't ya think he could have told me that 2 weeks ago, instead of leading me on and making me believe that there was a chance that I would have the glass soon. Pretty poor business practices I would say.

JudyN, I called DynaPrise and they are having the same problem, but they haven't even gotten a letter. IP's 800 number is saying that the mail box is full. It sure looks like they are going out business. This is plain wierd!
We were also in a bad situation because of the IMage Perfect problem. Distributor after distributor stopped carrying their product over the year. We finally had to order directly through them. It took ages to get and we had the same problem with their phone for weeks at a time.

We finally stopped offering IP and switched to AR but we have customers that still want it as they have used it previuosly.

We did hear through the grapevine that they are going out of business but have not been able to confirm it. If anyone knows more about the situation we would appreciate an update.
I ordered the Denglas regular, which is similar to IP. With my discounts it is only about $15 a case more and I can live with that. It works very well as a substatute. But, now that Denglas has come out with WaterWhite, I'm afraid that they will discontinue this old style which I am using as a replacement for IP. If there is anyone out in Grumbleland who has influence with DG, please tell them that the old glass is a good sub for IP for price, so please keep it coming.