Finished corner frames & corner samples

Kellar and Klein

Grumbler in Training
Nov 6, 2005
Phila, Pa
Thanks for the feedback. when I wrote the posting for finished corner frames, my 17 year daughter told me that she could "make it better" (something was lost in the translation) I am sorry that anyone was insulted.
When we started our business we used a branding iron to mark our samples and frames "K&K Phila., Pa." the industry told us no; the reason, everthing was prouced "in house". we complied (very happily).
Our only goal is to make you look good(this makes us money)Our clients gat design service, rush orders no charge, custom designs, free samples, custom color matching,etc.
I hope that we all have a good season. After the holidays; perhaps some would like to add us to their mix.