Welcome to the Grumble. You will find that these people are very helpful and willing to give of their time and ideas to help you in your business. (This is called online Grumbler networking, ..... my own term). One word of advice though, please don't take whatever critical points come to light as a personal affront to you or your business. You are exposing your business to over 3000 professional framers from the new to the old veterans and they have more combined experience and knowledge about what we do than you will ever hope to have.
When I look at a business that is based online as yours appears to be, I wonder why you are distracted by the corrective comments that are made about your "cyber-store building"? For that is exactly what your website represents to your business. I would hope that you wouldn't mis-spell your outside sign on your brick/mortar publishing company nor would you fail to keep your floors clean or your windows washed.
One of the major considerations of a working website (or informational website for that matter.) is its readability. And your doesn't read easily, not to me nor to a few others that have visited your site. That should give you a clue as to the initial impression that other visitors who are looking for a publisher may form from their first visit.
You have to consider that a customer that walks into your building may not have a good first impression for whatever reason, maybe simply the color of the walls doesn't appeal to them. But, you are there to greet them, find out what they are looking for, and build a relationship with them and sell yourself and your services/products to them. But a website business doesn't afford you many of these luxuries of personal involvement and first impression "adjustment". You MUST, MUST, put forth the very BEST first impression to those visitors because you aren't there to smooth over any concerns they may have and you don't have the time nor the opportunity to change their first impression of your business as they head towards the door. One click of the mouse button and they are GONE!! No excuses, reasons for leaving, nor opportunity for YOU to intercede and change their first impression of your business.
Therefore, it is imperative that you put forth the most appealing image of your business in one glance or you are just providing a pause in their search for an online source for their printing/art needs. I would have gone IMMEDIATELY into your source code and fixed that typo that was earlier mentioned! That typo isn't hidden in some obscure text, it is right there in your business NAME!! How many people have visited your site and left when they saw that your business name was mis-spelled?? "Big Boor Publishing"? I didn't bother to go to all of your pages based on the small type and the lack of contrast between the script and its background. I found it a strain to my old eyes. That may be a trivial thing to you but it is an important aspect of having a successful website.
The point of this is to impress upon you that your website IS the only online employee that you have! And that employee can't even respond to the initial impressions that your new potential customers may display as they "walk" through your front "door"! A website is a potential timebomb that is totally passive but can still do much damage to your intentions for that online business.
So, get into that source code NOW, my friend, and get at least that glaring typo on your first page corrected! It could be potentially damaging to your dreams and goals for your online business.
And good luck to you.