Finding a Fax Number Owner


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Is there a way to find the origin/owner of a fax number? I'll send them a fax myself but bet it won't work as it's one of those machine- generated things. I'm getting calls at all hours of the night and it's driving me nuts. I've typed into Google the number but got nothing. It's 718-768-7377.

My fax is connected to a computer which is not on all the time.
If you are talking about repeated fax calls to your voice number, complain to your telephone company about "harassment", a term they will respond to.

Pat :D
I don't know the name but it is Brooklyn NY and there are 660 business prefixs.

[ 10-17-2003, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: JPete ]
Sometimes I'll get repeat faxes on my voice line at the shop - every five minutes until their fax connects with mine - which won't happen since it's a voice line.

Sometimes the caller ID will give me a name. Otherwise, I connect line one to my fax, receive the fax they're trying to send and respond - not too gently.

I'm not aware of any reverse look-up services (like Infospace) for fax numbers.
My favorite research toy for this stuff is at, but no matches found.

This is probably a non-published business "back line" or fax #.

718-768-7300 is the Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Close but may not be it. A fax from the "other side"?
Well, they themselves will be going to that other side if I can find them. They call repeatedly (they...sorry: IT) every fifteen minutes for four attempts, often in the middle of the night. Then nothing for a few weeks. I tried to fax them back and while my computer said it worked, I doubt if they got anything.

Thanx, as usual1
For what it is worth I highly recommend to anyone getting a fax machine that you pay the few dollars extra per month and get your fax number UNLISTED. This means it does not show up in the TELCOM directory or CD they now issue instead of phone books. Yes the number eventually gets into the junk fax lists that are sold and traded, but it definitely reduces the amount of junk fax. Our fax number has been unlisted for 10 years and we have never had a problem with a customer having a problem contacting us by fax. The number is on our business cards, catalogue etc.

We moved four months ago and had to get a new phone number. We were getting a reasonable amount of junk fax, but when we moved it miraculously stopped. When you move the TELCOMs here do not redirect and when you phone to listen on a handset they simply say the number is disconnected. The first junk fax in four months just arrived a few days ago.

Again it does not eliminate junk fax, but it definitely reduces it.


[ 10-18-2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Alan Sturgess ]
Try sending them a fax. Sometimes you will receive back a station message which might help track them down. If, however, they are fax spammers, they probably will not have their station message displayed.

If they are from Brooklyn, you could probably find a guy named Guido to "pay 'em a friendly visit" and tell them to "fuggetaboutit!"