For what it is worth I highly recommend to anyone getting a fax machine that you pay the few dollars extra per month and get your fax number UNLISTED. This means it does not show up in the TELCOM directory or CD they now issue instead of phone books. Yes the number eventually gets into the junk fax lists that are sold and traded, but it definitely reduces the amount of junk fax. Our fax number has been unlisted for 10 years and we have never had a problem with a customer having a problem contacting us by fax. The number is on our business cards, catalogue etc.
We moved four months ago and had to get a new phone number. We were getting a reasonable amount of junk fax, but when we moved it miraculously stopped. When you move the TELCOMs here do not redirect and when you phone to listen on a handset they simply say the number is disconnected. The first junk fax in four months just arrived a few days ago.
Again it does not eliminate junk fax, but it definitely reduces it.
[ 10-18-2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Alan Sturgess ]