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SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Resource Provider
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
No fixed address, Australia.
Full time grey nomad traveling Oz!
Do you sometimes find it difficult to locate a file or an email on your computer? Copernic Desktop Search can help. It indexes everything on your hard drive and enables you to instantly find files, words in emails, pictures, etc.

I'm very impressed because I quite often forget where things are, now I find them in seconds!

Its FREE!!!

Description & Download:
Or you can just buy a Mac and the latest OS has a very thorough search engine built right in it. It's called spotlight and is amazing!!

So many good things come free with Apples OS that cost extra with Windows. It's good you found a FREE thing for your computer. Notice it didn't come from Microsoft.

Probably lucky that otherwise it would have its own worm/virus included.
WOW!!! We have the same number of postings!! What are the odds of THAT happening on the same topic??
OK!!! Now that's weird!! It WAS the same until I reposted, then it changed. Rats!!
Actually Indexing on the Mac has been available through Sherlock since at least OS 9. I have never had the patience to index my volumes, however. With the size of my hard drive, Sherlock estimates the time needed will be over 10 hours.

But not having indexed has caused me a problem! Please help me out with the other post, “Outlook Express Address Book” in this forum.
Buy a fruit machine??? Then I would have to buy all my software over again....I'm not that rich....just a humble picture framer! Besides, I don't like fruit anyway! ;o)) ;o))