Filet Chopper wanted


If you already have a Morsø chopper or a saw, you can use it very effectively if you grab a FilletMaster (Fletcher is now manufacturing/distributing it).

On the page is a video demonstration of how it works. I used to hate doing fillets until I got the FilletMaster. Now I push them all the time.
Bill, I currently order everything chopped, and that system works well for the scale of my service, so at this point a filet master would not do me much good. Still, after learning how to do filets last weekend I would like to be able to offer them, therefore this thread. They are reasonlably small, and therefore will fit into my space challanged basement office framing room/workshop/hellhole......

James, I can just hear the "ughs" now from some about what I am going to suggest, but here goes.

Fillets are very small and thus does not require to much to cut. So until you are ready to lay out some larger dollars try this. Go to a Hobby Store that sells model trains and buy one of there mini back saws and miter boxes. Should cost you all of about $20. Two or three quick passes and you should have a perfect cut.

PS. I do have a Morso Chopper and cut all of mine on that.
What if I was to put a 80 tooth blade in my Delta chop saw...Not the fancy shmancy pro framer model, but say something from Frued, 80 tooth....Or would I be better off to just spend the $350.00 to by the chopper. I get all my frames chopped and joined so I don't really need a framing chop saw (at this point in the game!)
"At this point in the game" then, I'd look into one of those hand held cutters. They make them now with angles scribed into the "face plate" so that you could even do an octagonal frame or mat with a fillet! I've used these - they're not bad for doing a few, and they run about $20-$25.00.

Then, there is the mini chop saw that I saw at Harbor Freight the other day - it was so cute! It had about a 1 inch blade and the top came down and looked like a tiny waffle iron! Thirty bucks! It was almost worth having just because it was cute. (Like my teeny tiny 1" c-clamp and my ball pein hammer that you could hide in your hand - they just look good on the tool wall!)

X-acto also makes the mini miter boxes with (I think) about 100 tooth sawblades.

Fillet Chopper has been purchased, slightly used from another Grumbler. Hope to see it soon.
Thanks All

The above conversation begs another question but I will put that up as a seperate thread in the Grumble section.