
CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Dec 3, 2004
I have several books in my PICTURE FRAMING collection and am looking for a few more great books on mat cutting and decorating. Have all of the stuff from Kistler, Logan, Wolff, etc. Anyone have a favorite title and author? What would you grab first if you could only take one matting book with you?
I have one from dad's old collection. It has Brian Wolff looking all hippy with thick beard and afro in it. I think I'll hang onto it until a time when I can extort thousands from him.
You might take a peek at my articles in Picture Framing Magazine on V-grooving Designs Made Easier. I think the first one was published in February '03. You could probably find it on PFM's website. If not, let me know, and I could make you a hard copy of the entire series for a nominal fee.
So far, one person took me up on my offer and liked what he got. I'm going to go ahead and get a few more copies printed up so, if anyone wants one, they'll be $15.00 + 1.55 for shipping.
See, I told ya you should do a book. I want one.

Where do I send the money?

In addition to having hard copies available, I have also put the book on CD ROM. Who says you can't have it both ways? Once again, if you want a copy, e-mail, private message me, or just post here, and for $15 + $1.55 for postage, you can have your own copy either on paper or the nifty new CD ROM!
Seth, is the CD a PDF format so that we can print out a hard copy of what we are attempting to do....?

I just LOVE Norm Abrams Measure Dwawings.... :D

Maybe a $25 package, book with accompaning CD...

Book for the nightstand, CD for the shop :D
Originally posted by Bogframe:
Betty, I hope you got your packet and liked it. If you have any questions/problems, don't hesitate to ask!
Got it, loved it, gonna put it in a binder for easy access and reference.

Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Seth, is the CD a PDF format so that we can print out a hard copy of what we are attempting to do....?

I just LOVE Norm Abrams Measure Dwawings.... :D

Maybe a $25 package, book with accompaning CD...

Book for the nightstand, CD for the shop :D
I can do that