favorite mat cutters

Grumbling Mike

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 13, 2000
Toronto Canada
I am now faced with looking to buy my next mat cutter and would like to hear your thoughts on your favorites.
I have used keaton, C&H, Fletcher, some brand from England I cant remember with flexi-steel instead of hinges, and logan
There are more out there I havent tried. I am surious about SpeedMat and others if you have an opinion. By the way I am a lefty so the fletcher is out of the running already.
Brian Wolf is a lefty as am I. Using a manual mat cutter has never stopped me even the Fletcher. I use cross over technique rather that the standard method taught most.
The Wizard is great. We are very happy with ours. All you have to do is go into the control panel on the PC and change the mouse to left hand.
I have just gotten the Chronomat 60" Really like the feel and using the magnetic stops is supper easy no over/undercuts if set-up is done correctly.

Also have a Speedmat. Great for reg cuts, but I think limiting for more unusual decorative corners.