Faulty rabbet supports on chopper?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jul 20, 2005
I bought a vintage Dan-Clip chopper a few weeks ago for $300, and it chops perfect. However, the rabbit supports don't slide well while holding a frame. I have to manually back off the blades after each cut and move the supports by hand, very time consuming!

Are they just old and need some grease? Or is there something else wrong. If grease is the answer, what kind works best?
<font size=7>NO GREASE!</font>

sorry to have shouted... :D but NEVER grease.

on those slides, rub a pencil back and forth, really mark them up.... graffite. Or you can buy a little tube of graffite and blow it in...pencil is cheaper.

both are DRY and un-greasy.
Where they are binding is most likely on the moulding itself. Unfortunately, there is probably not much you can do about that. We find that when cutting unfinished moulding we have to manually push them back after each stroke. Cutting our finished moulding (which has a wax topcoat) can usually be accomplished with the supports being pushed back automatically.

Also, there is an option available for the Morso (which, I think, could be fitted to the Dan-Clip) that holds the rabbet supports right where they're supposed to be all the time. You would need to drill and tap holes for the mounting bracket. You should be able to buy them from Tech-Mark.
one more thing........

If the channels and slides have not been cleaned with a solvent, there might be a build up of junk
from previous attempts to "lubricate" the slides.

grease or oil etc, mixed in with sawdust, and other junk can muck up the channels. Also check to see that there are no burs on the slide.
Is grease in the channels really a bad thing? I mean it shouldn't get near the moulding should it?
okay i'll admit.. i'm trying to justify it because I just bought some silicon grease
I won't put it on if it really is as bad as you say it is.
All new Morso Choppers are delivered with grease on them.....

If memory serves correct the Morso manual suggestes some oil should be used on moving parts....

I would imagine the grease in the channels would collect all manner of dust and tiny wood shavings. The resulting composite could perhaps be used to make synthetic mouldings, or dwellings in the American Southwest, but wouldn't be something you'd want in your chopper.

Don't worry. After about fifteen years of use, the multiple movements required to advance the Danclip rabbet supports becomes so automatic that you won't even think about it. I haven't though about for at least five years.

Thanks for reminding me.