F-1000 Oval Cutter - Auction!

John Ranes II CPF GCF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc
I've got an older Fletcher F-1000 Oval Cutter that I'm going to auction off right here on the Grumble!

Rather than sell it, I will take the winning bid and donate this check to a local charity: Harbor House Abuse shelter in Appleton, WI.


Item: F-1000 with Retrofit kit. In good working order complete with glass cutting head, manual and dust cover. Cuts ovals/circles down to 1 inch and up to 19 1/2 inches. Original packaging still intact. Original cost: $1,100.

Bidding: Any registered Grumbler can bid. Bidding commences immediately. All bids must be in increments of $20. Bidding will end at midnight CST, 30 September, 2002. Minimum opening bid is $100.

The winning bid will be confirmed on the Grumble and should E-mail me with shipping details. I will UPS the item at the buyer's expense within 48 hours of confirmation.

Have Fun!

Beat ya Curly!
I think that might defy logic Curly! But we will go with it! Actually the trick on Ebay is to wait and bid the very last minute. We have created a stir......before you know it everybody will think they need it too.

Whoa, we have a player here. Janet you might want to check with your husband before you spend the cookie jar. He owes me a brand new shiny metallic green Pathfinder. I bid $220 :rolleyes:
$320 - see what I miss by not loggin on for a day!! I'm tired of cutting ovals with my hand cutter
Guess I should read thew whole message I am replying to! In Increments of $20 I'll go up to $340.

btw which hand cutter do you use? I've used a couple and haven't had good luck with them.
I've been using the Fletcher hand oval/circle - takes some practice, and maybe a couple of trys, but has worked well enough to save the $1,000 or so dollars - so far!
ALSO - this auction is goin on in TWO places!!!

WHAT is the CURRENT Bid?????
Hi Elaine,

Actually the bidding is going on here.....Cliff has the high bid of $500 with 15 hours to go! (He posted on my "Announcement" thread on the Grumble -- but we'll cut him some slack as he's a newby.) ;)

I'll bid $520

Too rich for my blood.......I still have to pay off my underpinner...........I had this earmarked to look at today. It seems forever ago I originally bid on it. Congrats to the winner!
I'll bid $550

Sorry, I meant $540.. ($20 dollar increments)
congrats Cliff - I'll put my money towards a CMC!! Then I can do more than ovals & circles :D
<marquee><font size=4><font color=990000>................GOING, GOING, GONE!..............GOING, GOING, GONE!............</font color></font size></marquee>

Congratulations Cliff! You have the winning bid at $540.00. Please send me an E-mail with complete shipping details = Business name, address and phone numbers. I will UPS this to you tomorrow (Wednesday) and you should have it in your hands by Monday/Tuesday.

Please make your check payable to Harbour House Domestic Abuse Programs This is a tax deductable donation for you.

I will pay the shipping to California (Yeah...I changed the rules.....

Thanks to everyone for participating in our ......F-1000 up for Auction! thread...Great effort Elaine......just hope it's an F-6100 you'll be considering! ;)


Thanks Elaine! You're a good sport.

Actually I think the CMC is the better way to go. As a startup I must keep cost down.

YES John it is the F-6100 that I want - everthing Fletcher in my shop! Got any good prices???

Cliff, congrats - hope you get good use out of the cutter. We don't do a lot of ovals/circles, but that machine would beat the frustration of the hand cutter!! We are fairly new in the biz, and are adding equipment as we go and can afford to - this cutter was one of the last things we didn't have, but as the CMC's become more affordable, I'm seriously looking at that - it might be a few months more, but hopefuly soon.

Congrats! No one likes a sore loser, and I LOVE auctions (usually antiques) - maybe that was why I couldn't resist this one!! :D
