extra long cut

You can miter one end of the stick and take a tape measure, stick it to the rabbet wall, and mark the proper spot onto the side of the rabbet. Since it is hard to measure from the hook end of the tape, it is wise to make a second measurement starting at the one or ten inch mark, making the proper numerical translation. One does not want to rely completely on the second method, since the numbers will get confusing, but it useful for checking.

When I have had to cut longer than my Morso can measure I do the following

  • cut the mitre for two long legs</font>
  • set the mitre stop to 40"</font>
  • mark where the 20" line hits the base of the two long legs</font>
  • subtract 20" from the length (70")</font>
  • line up the mark I drew on the moulding with the length from above</font>
  • hold the moulding down with a padded clamp (so it doesn't slide</font>
  • Chop away</font>
After doing that I stand the two legs up and make sure they are the same size!

In other words I take what I can't measure and shorten it to a length I can measure! Hope it makes sense, and hope it works for you.
Thanks for the tips. I figured out a way to do it and it seemed to work fine, doing something similar to Hugh's suggestion. It would help if I had a buddy with a saw for these occasional problems. Wish you were a little closer than about 6 hours, Jerry.