Exporting/Importing E-Mail Messages


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Oct 23, 2003
Columbia, SC
Can anyone help me figure out how to move e-mail messages / folders from old computer to new one?

I use Outlook Express as the reader.
Many messages stored on old computer -- Windows ME OS
New Computer has Windows XP Home

Would like to copy messages from the old computer and move to the same file folders (i.e., Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts, etc) on new computer.

Have not had any luck with Help topics related to Import & Export of Messages. Can't even find the folders where messages are stored. I know I've done this in the past, but having no success this time!

Any help appreciated.

I don't normally use Outlook Express but I found this article:
Have you already tried this?

If this didn't work, you can find out where the files are stored by going to Tools - Options, Maintenance tab, and click on the Store Folder. This should tell you where all your email is being saved.

Hope this helps,
Lisa :D

That is exactly the instructions that I have been looking for, just not in the right place apparently.

Don't computers make life simple ?!?!
In XP under accessories / system tools, there is a file and settings transfer wizard that will give you a more comprehensive move to your new computer - including all of your internet settings. It even includes software to capture settings from older versions of Windows.

Pat :D