Experiences with non-Morso choppers

Bob Roy

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Dec 13, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario
I am quite new to framing. Till now I have been cutting moulding with a power mitre saw mounted to a homemade cutting table. It has served me well enough but it is time to get something "real". I am not quite ready to make the jump to a double mitre saw. It seems that a chopper would be ideal for my present circumstances. While it would be nice to find a good used one, buying new isn't out of the question.

I know that I can't really go wrong with a Morso. I have been watching eBay and the used markets for one within a reasonable driving distance with no luck so far. However there seem to be several other companies making/selling choppers and I was wondering if any grumblers have used these.

The Cassese chopper looks interesting with the the automatic rabbet lifts and the index pin system. I have no idea how much it sells for though.

Framing Supplies has a house-branded one that looks a lot like the one CTD sells. The price is right on these at around $1500. I am sure that there are others as well.

What have your experiences been with these in terms of usability, accuracy and quality of cut? How is the design of safety features? Are blades interchangeable with Morso blades? How good are the blades? Are blade changes fairly easy? What about adjustments? If you have worked with both Morso and other brands, what are your overall impressions of one versus the other?

I will be going to WCAF and hope to see most of these machines there. I am sure that there will be many helpful salespeople around but nothing beats asking people who make a living with these tools.

Bob i can not speak for these other companies, but...I would think that these machines are very close to Morso/Hanson/Jyden as these machines are still the same after 20+ years. It ain't broke and nothing has changes, so they will be very similiar. I would wonder about the blades. They might make them a bit different so you have to buy the blades from only the person you get the chopper from. That might be their way to make money in the end. I will be in Vegas, should be fun-good luck with your shopping!

Patrick Leeland