Every frame shop needs a bottle of this stuff


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 31, 2000
Rochester, MN
I just tried a product called "New Skin Antiseptic Liquid Bandage.

It looks and smells like clear nail polish, even comes in a bottle with a little applicator brush.

Just paint it on razor blade and mat bevel cuts and it glues the skin back together. It stops the bleeding and seals the cut.

No more awkward bandages on my fingers, advertising to the world how clumsy I can be.

This stuff is great!


(No, I don't get a percentage of the sales.)
Kit, I always wondered about that stuff. Does it sting?? I see that the lovely drug companies are advertising their new "purple" stuff which replaces stitches. Purple super glue, looks like! But having had stitches once, anything would be better...
We have a bottle of this too!

It works
My one son is a concrete finisher and he DOES use super glue when he slices himself with a trowel or some tool at work.

I told him that he is probably ingesting all kinds of wierd harmful chemicals from the super glue but he says that what happens when you get concrete in a fresh cut is even worse.

He super glues himself back together and THEN uses that stuff that Kit talked about to cover the area from getting concrete in it.

What do I use?? Oh, I just bleed all over the shop for a few minutes and then go put a Kleenix over the wound to clog the flow.

The New Skin is great stuff. I keep a bottle at home, one at the shop, one at each desk and there's probably one in the car. It won't actually stop the bleeding or close a wound but, once things are under control, it'll protect you with a more-or-less flexible, more-or-less invisible layer of whatever (probably model airplane cement.) And, yeh, it does sting.

There are several other brands of similar product including a new one from Band-Aid.
from the title I thought this was going to be about Vodka???
The spray on skin is cool though, I use it regularly.
It made the news today. It looks like your posts have impacted the market:

Nu Skin says 2nd-qtr profit jumps 55 pct

Wednesday July 17, 8:07 AM EDT
PROVO, Utah, July 17 (Reuters) - Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. (NUS), which makes anti-aging and other personal care products, said Wednesday second-quarter net income rose 55 percent and revenues increased 12 percent, benefiting from new product launches and Internet efforts in Asia.

Net income rose to $18 million, or 22 cents a share, compared with $11.6 million, or 14 cents a share, a year earlier. Revenues rose 12 percent to $244.9 million in the quarter from $218.6 million a year earlier.
For the masochists out there, you can also use Super Glue. Stings like h@ll, but works. Then, use acetone to remove it. Also stings like h@ll.

I like for people to have options...
Originally posted by Mike @ GTP:
It made the news today. It looks like your posts have impacted the market:

Nu Skin says 2nd-qtr profit jumps 55 pct
Well it looks like, once again, investors have screwed up big-time.

The product Kit and others were endorsing with such wild abandon is called New Skin and it's distributed by Medtec in Jackson, Wyoming.
I have used New Skin and have a bottle by the couch, but Super Glue works much better. The Gel does the best and it does not sting and you don't ever have to take it off. It goes away by itself...or you can pick it off while you watch tv.
I hear that P-nut butter is also proven to be an effective, decay-preventive dentifrice when used in a conscientiously-applied progran of oral hygene, and regular professional care. Can this be true?
Yes, that's absolutely true Charles. There is almost nothing that peanut butter isn't good for...and the few things it can't do, well that's why we have duct tape( which, incidentally is also very useful for sealing those nasty paper cuts! )