Eschelon telephone service

Frame Lady

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Oct 7, 2003
Seattle, Washington
Have any of you fine framers ever heard of Eschelon Telecom, inc. ? The sales rep keeps bugging me trying to sign me up for the telephone service and I have never heard of them. What do you think?
My general attitude about this is that if the salepeople have to be that aggressive, then what they're selling ain't worth it.
I'm sure there are exceptions, but I have neither the patience nor the time to weed through it.

My opinion.

edie the thereareonlysomanyhoursinaday goddess
I recently switched to a small, local service for home and business local and long-distance service.

They nagged a little, but the clincher was when they were able to show me that my effective long distance rate, buried in my 19-page monthly bill, was $.56/minute with the Really Big Company I'd been with for years.

When I made the switch, the RBC company looked over the order and said, "Well, I see you're paying 7 cents/minute with your new company. We can offer you 6.9 cents/minute.

I asked them why I wasn't paying 6.9 cents for the past 26 years and was told I hadn't ASKED for that plan.

If RBC (not their real name - It's really AT&T, but I don't want to say that here) offered me .003 cents/minute, they'd still be history.

Let's see, what was my point?

Oh, yeah, talk to some of their customers, compare rates and service, call them up and see if a human answers the phone and answers your questions.

That last one really did it for me.