I recently switched to a small, local service for home and business local and long-distance service.
They nagged a little, but the clincher was when they were able to show me that my effective long distance rate, buried in my 19-page monthly bill, was $.56/minute with the Really Big Company I'd been with for years.
When I made the switch, the RBC company looked over the order and said, "Well, I see you're paying 7 cents/minute with your new company. We can offer you 6.9 cents/minute.
I asked them why I wasn't paying 6.9 cents for the past 26 years and was told I hadn't ASKED for that plan.
If RBC (not their real name - It's really AT&T, but I don't want to say that here) offered me .003 cents/minute, they'd still be history.
Let's see, what was my point?
Oh, yeah, talk to some of their customers, compare rates and service, call them up and see if a human answers the phone and answers your questions.
That last one really did it for me.