Equipment for Sale


Grumbler in Training
Aug 31, 2004
New Palestine, IN
Hello, My name is Nick and before I get into the commercial, let me say I'm a bit intimidated by this potential audience. I read the Grumble often and have learned much. Most of the contributors seem so relaxed, confident and extremely experienced. Thanks to you all and to the Grumble.

Now for the commercial:
In July 2003 I re-opened my frame shop. Included in my equipment purchases were a Logan 60” mat cutter and a Fletcher 1100 Oval/Circle mat cutter – both of which I would like to sell.

I’m not sure of the Logan model number but as near as I can tell it looks the 650. I bought it from a defunct framer who claimed to have paid “over $600” for it. I used it a few times – for big stuff and it did a great job.

As for the Oval cutter, I bought it from Fletcher-Terry for something in the neighborhood of $14/$15 hundred. When I used it (all three times) it performed as advertised. Perfect ovals. I was a satisfied customer.

However, shortly after those purchases, I obtained a CMC and these items went “on the shelf”. Well, Id really like my shelf back.

Here is my contact information should any one be able to help.


Nick Scoble

E&E Creations
5971 H West US 52
New Palestine, IN 46163
Ph: (317) 861-9894