Equipment for sale


May 15, 2002
williamsburg va
I have several pieces of frame shop equipment that I want to sell. I will accept offers through Wednesday October 27th and then sell to the person who gave me the best offer for each piece.
I don't want to crate, package, or ship any of these items, they would have to picked up as is, in Newport News, Virginia.
Please make the offers through my e-mail address and not publicly on this board.
I have pictures available that I can e-mail you if you would like.

Here is what I have:
Pistorius manual vee-nailer Model VN-M purchased in 1982 not used for last 20 years.
With original Pistorius service & instruction manual, including parts list
MORSO chopper Model DK8900 with 56" extension arm.
With an extra set of blades never used since being sharpened.
With original instruction manual. Vintage 1982.
Putnam Mitre-Mite VN2 - alphamachine, Vintage 1982.
C&H Mat cutter Model CHN4060A
Rockwell wood shaper Model 43-120 S/N LM7727, No motor.
Craftsman Planer /Joiner, Model 113.206931, with motor, works.
Today, 10/27, is the last day that I will be accepting offers on this equipment. I will then sell to the person(s) that gave me the best offers.If you are interested please e-mail me today.I have received multiple offers both from this board and other places.