Equipment for sale


Mar 6, 2003
Douglas, GA
Hi everybody. My name is John Wyatt and my family has a frame shop located in Douglas, GA. We have quite alot of equipment that we no longer use, and I would like to know if anybody on the grumble would be interested. Here is a partial list:

2 Pistorius MN-200 dbl mitre saws w/ pneum. stops
2 Speedmat mat cutters 40X60
1 Morso chopper in new condition $1000
1 Omga dbl mitre saw, old but still works (much of the pneumatics were replaced about a year ago)
1 Fletcher 4000 Conerlock new condition $450
1 Fletcher 2100 (60") new condition
1 Seal 4468H vacuseal table 220V Great condition
1 Pistorius VN-S (These are great machines) Old, much of it rebuilt, works fine. $1200.
1 Cassese CS-89 underpinner - like new $1300
1 Fletcher 1100 Oval cutter - new cond. $1250
1 Frame Square Trim Cutter New Condition $150.
1 Shrink Wrap System 32" $200

We also have:
1 New Hermes IS-400 Volume engraver. This is the most versatile engraver on the market today. New condition. Includes Gravostyle 98 software, Graphic level and font editor. $14,000 Firm

AND>>> 1 1987 Isuzu Box truck. It's a little moldy, but the rebuilt engine only has about 5000 mi. We haven't used it for awhile.

If you are interested or have questions, or have a friend who is interested, please e-mail me at or call 800-628-9731 M-F 9AM-4PM Eastern - Thank you, John

[ 04-16-2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: jwyatt ]
Here is a little more info.
Turns out we are selling only 1 Pistorius.
It has pneum. stops, THK high performance package,
and is 230V 3 phase motors.
Altogether a $10K saw. We are asking $7500..
This is a high production piece of equipment. -Beautiful
I just found out that my brother put this saw on eBay. Here is the link: web page


[ 04-16-2003, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: jwyatt ]
UPDATE - The following equipment has been sold:

Fletcher 2100
Morso chopper
Frame Square trim cutter

Still plenty left! Please give us a call.