We use several Epson printers, I think we have 2-1270's, 2-2200's, and a 7600. We love them. Ron's right, the smaller ones aren't the fastest printers out there, but I find the quality outweighs the speed. The 7600 was reasonably fast, until we installed a new profile for it. The new profile is amazing, especially on watercolors and canvas. The only trouble with it is that it uses about double the ink and takes about 4 times as long to print a canvas. For instance, we could get a 16x20 canvas printed with the old profile in about 12 minutes, the new one takes over 50 minutes. The wait is definately worth it though. We put a premium on the new product due to the time and ink consumption (about 40% higher) and in 3 months have had no customers opt to save money and go with the old canvas.