Epson Printer Problem!


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Here comes my ninteenth stupid question:

My printer has been acting up lately. First it claimed a paper jam - now it cannot monitor its "status." I already paid ten bucks to talk with tech support after the paper jam thing, they got it printing again - now all I get is this message:

"In the driver utility menu click Epson Status Monitor 3 icon button."

My problem now? Where do I find this thing? I swear I have looked everywhere! I even did a search - found a location but couldn't click on it.

I used the Start button, went to Printer and Faxes, and when I click on my printer all I get is the print queue.

Their "troubleshooter" is useless.


I am running XP and the printer is a 777.

Thanks, anyone who can steer me in the right direction!

Have you tried rebooting the PC? Is it an older pc using a USB cable, by any chance? Older PC's with USB 1.x ports are known to periodically have problems where they stop communicating with attached devices. The USB version 2.x ports in newer equipment don't usually have problems.

The menu you are looking for may be in:
Start -> All Programs -> Epson (folder)

If it's not there, try:
Start -> Control Panel -> Printers -> View Installed Printers -> right click on the EPSON 777 in the list -> click on PROPERTIES -> Look for the "Epson Status Monitor" icon, which may be under one of the tabs.
I hope this helps! Computer issues can be frustrating.

Well, thanks Mike - at least I finally found the Status Monitor - it's listed on the last page under Printing Preferences on the same page as nozzle check and head cleaner.

Now we're back to paper jam. Grrrrrrr.....
Oh GREAT - now I have Uninstalled the program and when I insert the CD to Reinstall - Windows cannot find it! Grrrrr.....
So I downloaded the latest diriver and status monitor software from Epson but that seems to be useless because THE PRINTER IS NOT INSTALLED!!!

Whew! Did a System Restore and I think I have the original printer software back - gonna try those downloads again from Epson.

I hate computers! (except for the Grumble of course!)
Well I got the downloads OK this time (I can never remember if you are supposed to RUN or SAVE!!!) but now I still can't figure out if the printer is "INSTALLED" or NOT!

I may just have to go buy another brand of printer just so I can distinguish it in this morass of madness.

I just LOVE it when it asks you to "type a file name" for a file you have NO IDEA what the name is (sorry, Captain English!).

Will someone please come and shoot me and put me out of my misery RIGHT NOW?!?!
Hi Framer.
Have a look at "Start=settings=printers". Make sure it is only showing one printer. If it is showing more than one delete all but one and make that the default. Restart your PC.
If you are still having problems.Switch off the printer.
Delete all printers fom"Start=settings=printers".
Shut doen your PC.
Switch the printer on, then restart PC
You should now get a found new hardware box,Follow the screen prompts.
Thanks, Mick - I'll give that a try when I recover with last evening's battle!

Ya know - I'm probably having all these problems because it never dawned on me to update the driver or monitor software - and let this be a warning to anyone - DO THAT FIRST!!!

I psychologically avoid looking for software updates because they are made devilishly difficult for tech-impaired folks like myself. I spent several evenings trying to upgrade my Kodak software with no success - for one thing I couldn't determine which "version" I already had - it is written NOWHERE (at least that I could find!).

In my head I am making a list of little dumb things for little dumb computer owners and SOMEDAY I am going to write up this list and send it to BILL GATES!!!

Wanna know the first thing on this list? How about a DATE RELATED feature on the computer's internal search feature. I don't know how many times I have downloaded something only to lose it and the computer cannot find it. I probably have these downloads hidden all over the place! I finally made a folder labeled "downloads" and SOME of them automatically end up in there - but NOT all! It all seems so willy-nilly!

Thanks for letting me rant! Makes me feel better!
Well, I know y'all are hanging on the edges of your seats over this - and it only took me four days and global Grumble assistance, but my printer is WORKING again!!!

I think the main fix was unplugging and re-plugging the cable - I really don't know - I followed everyone's suggestions and just bumbled along - towards the end I was asked by the Troubleshooter if the printer could perform a self test. It had never printed this test page before but LO! and Behold! IT DID!!!

When I checked the box that said it could perform this test, the Troubleshooter then sadly (or so it seemed) informed me that it could not help me. LOL! Go figure!

I better print anything I have to print right away before anything else happens...
Y'all are simply NOT going to believe this!

After printing a few pages my printed poohed out again and just refuses to do anything - no matter what I try!

I was grousing about this while one of my dearest customers was in picking up her order and writing me a check. She handed me the check for the work and then wrote out another check for $200 and said, "I want you to buy yourself a new printer."


Talk about Happy Happy Joy Joy!


(I am installing it tonight - got an Epson Photo R200 - plus some extra ink - I chose it because it had separate ink cartridges - YIPPEE!!!!)

Now if I can stop dancing long enough to get on with the installation...
