entire frame shop equipment and inv. for sale

A. Gallery

Grumbler in Training
Jan 25, 2004
Mostly oldies but goodies for equipment.I am only interested in selling as a whole at this point I am still in business but possibly going to be moving out of state.
Unfortunately I do not think you will be able to sell a whole frame shop worth of equipment on here. Most of the people have been in business some time and have equipment already. There are places that you could contact that might buy the equipment, you have to look in the trade magazines I can not remember now. Now if you put up individual pieces of equipment on here you would get some response.
Good luck
Where in Maine are you?
Most of the people have been in business some time and have equipment already.
Hey waite a minute! Don't forget this is a public forum. It is not just for the trade only. If you want just for the trade go to the HH forum. Anyone can sign on the grumble, there are numurous lurkers who are not framers on this forum. So beware what you say it can be read by your customers tooo!
You are right Gumby sorry did not think that far down the road.

So beware what you say it can be read by your customers tooo!

Not sure if that is good or bad? Who knows...
I agree though individual pieces may sell better.