A customer brought in an american eagle feather to be framed for her church. She stated that an elderly member of their church had died recently and on his deathbed, he gave the feather to his church. The elderly member was a native american indian who apparently had been awarded the feather as a ceremonial honor which was highly valued.
Brief research indicates that native american indians are allowed to possess eagle feathers for ceremonial purposes. It is illegal for others to possess endangered species artifacts.
My question is regarding the legality of the church retaining possession of this feather as well as my liability if I framed the feather.
The church has native american indian members but apparently would not be considered an indian organization.
Any info would be appreciated.
Brief research indicates that native american indians are allowed to possess eagle feathers for ceremonial purposes. It is illegal for others to possess endangered species artifacts.
My question is regarding the legality of the church retaining possession of this feather as well as my liability if I framed the feather.
The church has native american indian members but apparently would not be considered an indian organization.
Any info would be appreciated.