I passed the sample around; maybe it didn't get to you. The embossing I passed was a double mat covered with silk. The top mat has a decorative cut, or a plain straight one would work also.
• Cut a double mat, save the fall out from both mats, set aside.
• ATG the top mat to the bottom mat.
• Paint with a heat reactivated glue. (I use a roller)
• Lay the silk over the double mat. (suede works really well also)
• Put both of the fallouts over the fabric
• I fold release paper in half and put the embossed mats and fabric inside it
• Put in the heat mount press for a few minutes
• Remove from the press and put under weights for cooling
• Remove the fallouts from on top of the silk
• Cut the hole out and fold the fabric under the bottom mat opening. I use ATG tape and a flat brayer to smoothly turn the fabric around the edge.
• I then tape the edges of the fabric with linen tape.
• I use a tiny bit of PVA glue on any stray threads in the corner.
Another way to emboss:
• take a single mat
• lightly glue something three dimensional on top of it, a paper doily, anything flat and decorative
• paint with heat reactivated glue
• lay fabric over it
• lay 1/4 or 1/2 inch foam on top
• put it in release paper and a heat mount press.
• put under weight while it cools.
• Cut the opening and wrap the edges. It gives a soft emboss instead of a sharply defined edge. You can also do this with a hand carved mat that doesn’t leave a fallout. The foam will push the emboss in but as I said it’s softer and less defined.
Good luck