Embossed fabric mat

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
This forum has been quiet lately, too quiet. I guess everyone misses Angie. Are you saving all your best stuff for the next contest? This isn't that new but I have a picture and it's probably my favorite embossed mat that I've done. The frame is a Foster mldg with my finish. Layered black finish on a reverse profile with a water gilded sight edge.
We don't sell embossed mats too often just every once in a while. I'm thinking maybe we need to work on that, they're pretty cool. Does anyone sell many of them?

[ 09-23-2005, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Terry Hart cpf ]
Get out! That is really cool.

No, I don't sell embossed mats. I don't know how to do them. There, I said it.
Any chance I get........... actually I'm working on maybe selling Icons... just kidding.

cool fabric... what is it?
Wow! Great design.

Like Jara, I am ignorant of the methods used to create something like this.
Speaking of the contest...did anyone other than the first place winners receive there "prizes?"
Deb, how about the certificates that were suitable for framing, but noticeably not; along with ribbons?

Angie is in that "moved but not settled in yet" mode. Where she is living is s....l......o......w dial-up... so she hasn't been on lately.....
Maybe this will stimulate her along. :D
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Deb, how about the certificates that were suitable for framing, but noticeably not; along with ribbons?

Angie is in that "moved but not settled in yet" mode. Where she is living is s....l......o......w dial-up... so she hasn't been on lately.....
Maybe this will stimulate her along. :D
Yeah, did anyone receive theirs?
I apologize that it has taken so long. Angie is moving into her house (finally) this weekend. She has been living out of suitcases and having to commute to work from another town, and all of her stuff has been in storage for all this time. This was definately NOT planned....

When they moved here, they found out only then that her husband didn't have a job after all (He was to teach at a private school, and they closed the school down, but didn't notify anyone about the closing until it happened, which was a financial blow to them--he only has found a job this past Tuesday. The double whammy was that the people who were in the house they were getting needed an additional 45 days to vacate.)

She brought in the certs to go with the ribbons a week or so ago, (she'd gone to 3 towns looking for a certain paper to print the certs in, and finally gave up and used something else) and they were sent out while the 2 of us were in Atlanta. She simply did not have the finances to send out multiple packages during all of this upheaval in her life.

I believe 7 packages went out. We couldn't ship Buddy's for obvious reasons. Buddy, if you have an address for us, we'll be glad to get it to you, in the mean time, we are keeping it safe for you!

I do know that she said that she had not received mailing addresses from a few people, so if she still needs to get the items to you, please just send the addresses via my e-mail. I'm sure she'll be glad to get them right out.

She misses you guys and had a blast seeing people in person in Atlanta. I'm sure she'll be getting internet service soon, now that things are starting to settle a bit!
Hey G-Girl,thanks. For you and the rest that asked, the basic idea is to cut a bottom, or base mat. Then cut your top, or design,mat (save the remainder from this).Mount the top and bottom mats together. Cover the whole thing with your adhesive, place your fabric on it and over the top goes the remainder of the mat you cut the top from. Into the press it goes and the mat remainder you placed over the top presses the fabric neatly over your design. I'm sure its' been covered in various books and magazines like PFM.
Baer (and any others with experiece with this) Have you made corner samples of embossed designs to show customers? I never have. Just one or two show pieces to give the idea. I'm thinking that making some corner samples may be worth the effort. Has this been anyones experience? It would take a bit of time, something in short supply these days.
The fabric is a black ant. satin.
Just remember when putting a price on an icon. If you have to ask you don't really want to know.
And when will the T shirts be ready.
Terry, Was having trouble finding t-shirts with the circumsized corner....

Had a line of a company in china, then one in India.. but they didn't understand. They thought I just wanted the shirts to be shorter....

Not so pretty when the t-shirt stoppes 4" above my navel...

So after all those trials and tributaries... I think I found my supplier... they are in Isreal.

As for embossed corner samples: We at Frank's Fabric have had a wonderful set of 36 embossed corners out there for over a year. The set is $75 for out customers. $150 for non-customers that buy fabric from elsewhere.... :D (just joking. Why would anyone buy from anywhere else?) Frank's

We're looking at increasing our fabric line and liner stock this next year.

Liners in 4" and 5" wide and about 150 more fabrics.....

Taking the number of SKUs to well over 55,000. :D
So after all those trials and tributaries... I think I found my supplier... they are in Isreal.
Exactly how many tributaries did you encounter on your way to these t-shirts?

Sooo, does this mean your new t-shirt supplier is somewhere near the Jordan River? (not really a tributary? - but def. a big 'ole river)

Just funnin' with ya, couldn't resist. :D :D
GG, I was going with the trickle down theory...

it was a mental stream of thought, but I was up that creek faster than I could hold it at bay. Sea what I'm saying?

Oy! I out of here.
It's your river Baer, we're all just tributaries in it. I'm sure they'll handle it well though. Just a little off the end right?
Cutting fabric doesn't work so well on a CMC, Eric.

Use a razor blade or scissors for the fabric.

Also inversely, don't cut the mat with scissors... use the CMC. :D :D :D :D :D :D