WOW Framer
For once I do not have a question of technique or software or hardware, but one of ethics.
I received one of those "animal lover beware of this product" type emails from a friend. I read it, evaluated it, and forwarded it to a handful of animal lovers I have in my address book.
Now I have never in the past used the Blind CC function - for crying out loud, we're talking email forwards here folks! Not state secrets!
However, one of the gals who received this took it upon herself to send a rebuttal to MY LIST!!! I only found out about it when my cousin mailed me back that he had gotten mail from a strange name and he sternly lectured me about the Bcc. I was greatly annoyed.
I put this incident down to my PITA friend, she thinks she knows everything! But I dropped the subject out of friendship.
So NOW I get an email from a different friend, one of those "Dubya said this!" kind, and on its heels, came this email from a total (to me) stranger discounting the veracity of the email and the quote.
Have any of you run into this before? Is this a commom practice (outside spammers) to email total strangers??? I find the whole business just really RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, etc.
Dare I email these offenders and say MYOB? (as opposed to FO&D!)
I realize that this world is very different than the one I grew up in, but for crying out loud - what is going on???
Steping down from the soapbox now (and using Bcc).
I received one of those "animal lover beware of this product" type emails from a friend. I read it, evaluated it, and forwarded it to a handful of animal lovers I have in my address book.
Now I have never in the past used the Blind CC function - for crying out loud, we're talking email forwards here folks! Not state secrets!
However, one of the gals who received this took it upon herself to send a rebuttal to MY LIST!!! I only found out about it when my cousin mailed me back that he had gotten mail from a strange name and he sternly lectured me about the Bcc. I was greatly annoyed.
I put this incident down to my PITA friend, she thinks she knows everything! But I dropped the subject out of friendship.
So NOW I get an email from a different friend, one of those "Dubya said this!" kind, and on its heels, came this email from a total (to me) stranger discounting the veracity of the email and the quote.
Have any of you run into this before? Is this a commom practice (outside spammers) to email total strangers??? I find the whole business just really RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, etc.

Dare I email these offenders and say MYOB? (as opposed to FO&D!)

I realize that this world is very different than the one I grew up in, but for crying out loud - what is going on???

Steping down from the soapbox now (and using Bcc).