Email confusion


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Thanks to Ron for my last answer. Now I have another stupid question. Every week when I get my Vivian Kistler Book of the week email, I mean my Decor E Tips email, I get two identical messages, one in the regular email and one in the enclosed attachment. What gives?

Decor is not alone in this, and it seems like a lot of things are going thru the ether TWICE, and a lot of it is text only: I open the attachment, only to find the identical text, no picture. Sometimes the email is a picture, and so is the attachment.

Could it be that one person at the head of the line makes a booboo and everyone is too lazy to fix it and it just gets forwarded all over the world? Just seems to me that this stuff has the potential for clogging up and thereby slowing down the net.

Any ideas? Thanks again!
Framar, that probably has to do with what type of internet service you have. We have compuserve 5.0 or 6.0 whatever is latest, on my computer in the shop. We still have the older version in the house. So when I check stuff in the house, I get these double
e-mails, but they're never like that in the shop. That's the only thing I can figure is the difference.
