Electrical Engineering Masters diploma

Baer Charlton

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
May 24, 2004
Yeah, OK, this one I'm kind of proud of....

The University of Washington school colors are Purple and Gold....
The guy got his dream job with Intel.... the motherboard I used, was made by Intel back when they were making parts for big servers.... :D

OK, all you Math nerds... find the formula that is wrong.. (I made one wrong



Milling the stock to make the frame.

The boul is a mix of blue and red boul to make purple. The leaf is heavily burnished to let the purple cast show through.

The spacers are 1 1/4" green plastic from Tap plastic.

Under the mother board, to protect the museum glass, is a 2-ply mat that covers all the soldered wires sticking out underneath.
Then seperating the museum glass and the diploma is a 4-ply rag mat, and an 8-ply backer.

The Motherboard is cut the same as Solid Face Gatorboard... Just shove three blades into an old fashioned Keaton Kutter and have at it. Three or four passes is recommended, especially when cutting through the CPU seating block. That ceramic can be a mother. :D

<font size=1>plasma torch</font>
Baer, on processor socket 6, there is a solder splash that is grounding the 'e' lead. This turn of events will cause porno sites to pop up arbitrarily, over the diploma...thought you'd like to know.

Well, after piece after piece of perfection, what can one say?? This is a very innovative design! Ya done good again!
Originally posted by CharlesL:
Baer, on processor socket 6, there is a solder splash that is grounding the 'e' lead. This turn of events will cause porno sites to pop up arbitrarily, over the diploma...thought you'd like to know.
Charles, originally the solder joint was perfect. We worked long hours to make it "misbehave" that way. :D

Oz, I'm not a university...... can't make a diploma. sorry mate.
Charles what made you think,This turn of events will cause porno sites to pop up would be arbitrary?
After all that careful planning and design ,Nothing happens by chance.LOL And I'll bet that could be a real additional selling point.ROTFWLMAO.

Great Design Baer. Where on earth did you get the right sized mother board and how did you manage to cut the opening?

You are very innovative.

The Motherboard is cut the same as Solid Face Gatorboard... Just shove three blades into an old fashioned Keaton Kutter and have at it. Three or four passes is recommended, especially when cutting through the CPU seating block. That ceramic can be a mother. [Big Grin]

plasma torch
only half joking..... it's called a Water Torch, or Water Cannon, or Water saw..... but it is a Computer Mat Cutter on HEAVY steroids.

The "blade" is a stream of water that is 1/100" and is driven at 60,000-220,000PSI, depending on what you're cutting. This took the guy 10 minutes to set it up, and 30 seconds to cut the opening and clean cut the outside edges. :eek:

I REALLY wanted to get one, but the wife . . . well, you guys know what I'm sayin'.

Oz, I teach as well as frame. Ask Terry Scidmore, FramerDave, and about 200 other framers. I hope to increase the class frequency over the next few years.
"Fabric Wraps 101" will be out for Las Vegas WCAF in January.
hah.. I was wondering about that. I cut a motherboard-mat about ten years ago while I was still in GA, and I ended up just using my dremel to "carve" out an opening. But it took me forever, and I shudder to think about all the toxic fumes I inhaled doing it.
Baer, are you a framer or a magician!
That is sharp! Still love that water works one you did last year though.
Baer It doesn't have didly to do with the beauty of the thing ,but what did you charge for that project?

I'll be tha first to say that it might be different in different locations .But the design and Imagination should have a price no matter where it is constructed.
PS when I have been asked to teach someone how I come up with some of my Mat designs ,I am at a loss to think of a way to TEACH DESIGN CONCEPT. I think uou either have it or you don't .You can copy but imagination comes from with in . And you have it ,and some.
Funny you should mention the Water Master, Steven; she's the wife of Mr Math here. Her's was just funner... and it took me a while to find a blade this big...(it's not a mother board, it's a "blade")

Buddy, I agree, you can't teach design concept, but if they keep immitating and copying different designs then eventually they try combining two or three designs... then comes the first tweak.... and then the second . . . . and then there is that second or fifth sleepless night where their brain just wouldn't shut up and kept designing and the next thing they are posting all the time.... because they are making weird things and well . . . you know the rest.

BTW: Does $3,163.84 work for you?

It's not what I charged, but it is a good number.

It's as good a number as 'what kind of camera...'.
Baer, great job and glad you left at least one stick of memory,
but what happened to 5 of the 9 PCI slots?

BTW forget the math, I'm good just to remember to use four sticks of wood for a frame.
David, It's a weird off size of memory stick. My Tweeky, just happened to be an old Blade <strike>runner</strike> fixer/nerd and has a stick laying around.....

That stick is a whopping 128K..... whoa! super fast.

Half of the components that are showing on this board (I was told today) are now on a CPU chip and about the size of the head of a pin.

This blade is an antique at 17 years old. :eek:
That is really impressive!

no Mike, what's impressive is that I occationally remember the term "Blade" . . .

we now return you to Sunday morning.
Super design - Baer!

Very cool that you used the "guts" of the computer.
The only thing that troubles me is if you get a similar job for a surgeon - - - Come Igor, we must get our "special" framing supplies.

Just make sure to charge an "Arm & a Leg"
Mike, My nephew is a Maxial Facial Surgeon....

(Eyebrows down to adamsapple), mostly installs implants for false tooths.. (if you had all your teeth you could say false teeth....but with one missing....oh never mind.)

he is casting four full sets of teeth veneers.... which I will set in a cage retainer around the inside of a built mat....

Teeth fillets. :D

It will end up in his office, so we are drawing the line on using cow leg bones for the frame.....
No more weird than the Bachlors from University of Sydney....or what ever the collage is...

He had brought back these two large bamboo stalkes....(diggerydoos) and so we chopped them up and used them as the frame....

Now the person I don't want to do is an endocronologist.... :D
You folks will all be fine as soon as the swelling goes down.

Dave Makielski