Education at Sea

nona powers

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jun 15, 1999
san diego
I posted this awhile back and several framers and teachers signed up. I will post the schedule I have right now, but the ship is almost full and the price has gone up. If your interested, you had best call Julie right now.

Tax time is a good time to think of a cruise. rest, fun and a deduction? Maybe, ask your tax person.

Framing Education at Sea
Mexican Riviera Cruise
October 1-8, 2005
MS OOSTERDAM Holland America Line
Saturday the 1st leave San Diego at 5pm
Sunday the 2nd at Sea - Framing Education Classes from 9am until noon.
Monday the 3rd Cabo San Lucas 7am to 6pm
Tuesday the 4th Mazatlan 8am to 6pm
Wednesday the 5th Puerto Villarta 8am to 10pm
Optional Excursion: Art Gallery Tour, including lunch at Richard Burton’s former home 9am to 5pm
Picked up by motor coach to tour seven of the main Art Galleries in Puerto Vallarta such as Galleria Dante-Paintings and sculpture garden, Galleria Piramide- known as the House of the Beaded Iguanas, Viva Jewelry- precious metals and gems, Mundo de Cristal-blown glass, Arte Latinoamericano-Mexican Contemporary Art and much more.
$99 includes lunch, bi-lingual guide and bottled water on the coach
Thursday the 6th at sea, Framing Education classes 9am to noon
Friday the 7th at sea, Framing Education Classes 9am to noon
Saturday the 8th arrive San Diego at 7am

Call Julie-Ann Today for bookings and prices. 1-800-925-8543
The ship is close to being sold out

Framing Education at Sea
Classes and Instructors
Classes will be 50 minutes in length and cost $20 each
Round table format, individual attention
Don Berkman, MCPF
1) Gilding: See how its done by an expert-some hands on.
2) Framing Competitions, enter and win
Ellen Collins, MCPF
3) Hinging paper borne art: Hands on, make a hinge with the Micro Dot method.
4) Stretching Needlework
Fred Horton, MCPF____________
5-6) Breakeven Analysis: Discussion of a sample worksheet to calculate breakeven
Part I and Part II Each attendee will take home a disc with formulas
Linda Powell_________________
7) Mat Decoration : French lines and painted panels
Nona Powers MCPF___________
8) Caring for Art: FACTS Roundtable
9) Design: Challenges and Solutions
Hi Nona,

How nice the ship is almost full! I think that sailors are more likely to become part time framers than the other way around. Have you asked sailors to join your Education at Sea Program?
I'm keeping the education in the family first, then maybe I'll go outside, even to sailors. Just kidding!

I wanted to go on one of these cruises and thought if I could make it a business trip I could justify the expense and it's more fun to travel with people you know and like. So far we have a great group going. I thought we had lots of time because it's not until October, but the ship went and almost sold out on me. I imagine there might be some last minute cancellations, but if you want to go, best call Julie.

The optional excusion Julie is arranging for us sounds really nice. The lunch is in Richard Burton's old house that has been re done and is included between a full day tour of the main gallaries in Puerto Vallarta.

It's also good because you can fly into San Diego that day, make the ship then have all day the day we get back to fly home, so you wouldn't have to stay in a hotel at all.