
I've noted over the last several months that there is very little framing equipment for sale on Ebay. Mostly small stuff, and an occasional Fletcher or C&H mat cutter.
I like Ebay. Some interesting software, computer equipment, games and other things. As I have stated many times I am very fond of used things.

However, I have noticed that they have done away with their reserve program. I love the Proxy bidding option. I love the My Ebay watch this item feature.

Check out UBID also. I am very happy with the 2 computers (refurbished) and the external CDRW peripheral I purchased.

You can also get a better idea of the market value of equipment and items.
I cruise ebay for different things, and I have noticed that there isn't much framing equip there. As AL said, the occasional 'basic' mat cutter. There were some of the old Stanley mitre vises, but they were really expensive. Had to find them under a search for 'vises'.
I'm a confirmed ebay Babe. If I conceive a desire for something not available locally (a Hopalong Cassidy lucnhbox, e.g.) chances are good that someone on ebay will have one for sale.

Lately I notice several artists marketing prints and original paintings on ebay. Think this concept will catch on?


Does this mean I have to reciprocate and post something to the Trade Mag forum? I'm not sure of the protocal here and I want to do what's right.


BTW, I've never looked at Ebay, which is remarkable for someone who spends a lot of time on line and enjoys shopping for obscure items. I do The Grumble, email, instant messaging, on-line banking and a little news and sports scores. That's it. No Ebay. Don't wanna get started . . . Nope, nope, nope . . .
I inherited a bunch of useless outdated merchandise when I bought my store. It is selling quite nicely on Ebay. Gives me something to do between customers. Besides that it gives me an excuse to have the internet in the store.

Out on a Whim Custom Framing
Today there was a story on Fox News ticker about a person that sold $500 worth of Hummel and Lalique on Ebay and disappeared after getting paid without delivering it.

I buy and sell on ebay, not frequently but when I need something. I buy alot of 'puter stuff including software. BTW interested in Norton's
System works CHEAP, try Ebay (Includes Antivirus) Best buy i've made. I do sell art frequently and it seems that at times items sell less than wholesale. But I've learned to be quite careful as some people have gotten burnt by damaged art. I don't buy from new posters, I buy only from established sellers that I can check there history first. Works for me.
I have never even tried to go to ebay, what with my history of addiction to collecting and all. I'm afraid if I do a search for "art nouveau horse statues" or "50's ceramic cat statues" I just might find some, and then I would be in BIG trouble.

I would like to get rid of that box of "Star Wars" stuff and those X-Files comix.....
Originally posted by Framar:

I would like to get rid of that box of "Star Wars" stuff
Ebay has a complete section devoted to collectibles including Star Wars Stuff, Check the prices they are getting for some of it!
I think ebay is great!!! I have found LOTS and LOTS of original art as well as prints that I have purchased, framed and resold for a nice profit.
I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression, but...

I make cheap and funky frames for a woman who adds compo decorative pieces, slaps a Paul DeLongpre Rose print in them, and sells on ebay...

Shabby Chic. There. I said it.

I feel so dirty....
Coincidental that a new customer just brought me two "oils" he bought on Ebay. The quotes around the word "oil" are because one seems to be pretty much that, but the other is what appears to be oil, done on a funky paper-like material. What the customer thought he bought was not what he bought. It's now my problem to handle it, and to that end, I'll be asking for help on the other forum.
Nada. I still have yet to visit Ebay.

Here are some other popular trends and technologies that I resisted for a very long time before embracing them with a passion bordering on lust:

  • Automatic transmissions. I don't know how I thought I was going to manage a cell phone, a cup of coffee and a road map while shifting gears manually. </font>
  • Cell phones. </font>
  • The internet. I used Compuserve, Prodigy and AOL in the days before they were gateways to the internet. I didn't want anything to do with the internet. </font>
  • Compact Discs. The first CD player I owned was an external CD reader for a computer. It cost about $800 and could not record CDs. There were almost no CD titles available in software, so I bought a few audio CDs and was hooked. </font>
  • DVDs. I bought a DVD player just over a year ago with a simple home theater set-up. Before that, I had a DVD reader in this computer. </font>
  • Autofocus SLR cameras. I had a fortune invested in manual focus cameras and lenses when I discovered I could no longer focus quickly and accurately. Now everything is new and shiny and autofocus. </font>