E-Mail Attachments

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
From the "Why do they do that?" department:

Somebody I like and respect (though I didn't realize I was on her mailing list) just sent me an email with a 5-meg+ attachment. I figured it HAD to be important so I didn't just delete it like I normally would.

While it was downloading, I went and made a sandwich, ate a bowl of soup, talked to Sarah about her day and wrote a novel. It (the download) was almost done when I returned.

The email started out, "Please look at these important pictures and forward them to everyone you know." Oh sure, like I need yet another way to **** off the few friends I have left in the world.

I deleted the message and the attachments without wasting another second.

I wish people would realize that some of us dinosaurs still use dial-up and a chain letter is still a chain letter whether it's asking for money or alerting us to a little-known crisis in British Honduras and whether it's sent by U.S. mail or email.

I still like and respect the sender, but I've blocked any future emails from her.
I hate chain emails. And it amazes me the nember of people who send them. I have on file a really RUDE chain letter which would be a really great way to let these folks know that I don't want any more of this crap - but I am too polite to send it to anyone.

So I continue to delete. I only open attachments from people I trust and people I trust to have adequate virus protection.

Whenever I have to send anyone an attachment, in most cases it is a photo I have taken myself and it ends up in the body of the email so opening the attachment is unnecessary.

OK, I admit, sometimes I forward the funny animal pictures, but only to folks I believe will appreciate them!
You can use www.mail2web.com to check email before you down load to your PC…..it is much quicker than downloading to your PC when the file is big.

Works great for me…..only thing is that you have to check each email address you have individually….
I'm sorry, but I don't care how "noble" a request is, if it says "send to 1, or 3, or 10 or however many" people, I simply delete.

If it says, "if you really believe in.... send it..." I delete it.

One time, I sent something on from a VERY dear friend of mine that said it was for his granddaughter's school project, then I realized "how in tarnation were they planning on tracking who had sent it and who had not...?"

Nevermore (quoteth the raven...)

It's like the bumper sticker: "Honk if you hate noise."

I don't know HOW it's like that, but I love that bumper sticker.
Some of the chain e-mails are pretty funny, but I don't send them on either. It's too easy to spread a virus. Heck (can you say "heck" on the G?)your e-mail address can be hijacked right out of your friend's computer. So maybe your friend didn't send you that chain letter at all.