The MSDS says Swiffers are polyester/polypropylene, with a secret coating. I don't think Proctor and Gamble are going to reveal what that is. They say Swiffers leave no residue, and I'm inclined to believe it. But, until some independent testing happens there's no guarentee.
(Personally, I'm still going to keep using them till they're proven guilty of anything).
"The cloths made of polyester and polypropylene build up a negative charge as they are rubbed over a surface. Close contact transfers electrons from the dirt to the duster, increasing its negative charge, P&G's Johnson said. Hair and dust articles are positively charged and are attracted to the Swiffer cloth like iron to a magnet. "
I found this in some googled newpaper article, and it sounds right to me. I'm guessing that the secret "film" is just a sizing agent to smooth out the cloth's surface, so they handle more easily.
[ 10-18-2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Rebecca ]