Dust cover protocol

I re-ordered my (what I thought was) 50# black kraft paper. I had always used the regular brown stuff. When I received my new roll of black I was a bit dissapointed! After returning the roll with a piece of the paper I had recieved before, the supplier called to inform me that I got by accident 60# paper the first time. They don't know how......but I loved that paper. Very tough to tear...you can even peel it off (applied with strong ATG) and turn it around!
(For those frequent times I assemble with stickers, etc. upside down.) I hate when that happens............
I can't believe I just read through this entire thread, thinking it was new.

Has anyone mentioned filling the frame to prevent that infamous, dreaded affliction, dustcover poke-through? Do that.

For the record, we've been using Lineco's blue paper exclusively for about two years now. Yes, it costs more, but not much, in the grand scheme of COG.
Yup, Jim, we talked about filling the void. This thread was old-enough that I talked about filling it with Coroplast. Now it's too precious to be used for filler board.

I guess my "old thread" warning needs to be on the first post of the thread, huh?

I'd better go fit some frames so I can use up the last of the indigo and break out the emerald.
jframe, I see your logic.

I've also wondered if one side would be more prone than the other to leaving smudge marks on the wall.

I have never had a problem with the smudge, so I just don't know.

I do think long term framing can cause neurosis though.
Yes black kraft paper WILL leave a smudge. Doesn't come off the wall too easy either. Don't know about blue or green.
I find the rough side leaves more smudge on a wall than the ( shiney ) smooth side. Just try an experiment on your own wall maybe.
JudyN, ok, I actually tried it (I'm repainting a room anyway).

Concerning the black kraft paper:

The matte, rough side came off really, really badly...the black was on the wall and the paint was on the paper.

The smooth, shiny side did a lot better. It still came off on the wall but was not as noticable.

I think this is the last roll of black for me.
This thread was old-enough that I talked about filling it with Coroplast. Now it's too precious to be used for filler board.
What do you use for filler board now?

I guess my "old thread" warning needs to be on the first post of the thread, huh?
I read through the whole thread too.
I like "undead thread" alert. Maybe we can put a flashing icon as the alert.
Fomecore, but I'm tracking down some polyflute leads.

I'll put a warning at the top of this thread so we don't lure in any more unsuspecting Grumblers.

BTW, my blue kraft will rub some color off on white matboard, but you really have to rub hard and you don't get much.
[if you use bumpers, then there's no way the paper will smudge the wall]

This is true but you need have bumpers on all FOUR corners and not let bumpers get knocked off. It happens sometimes. I bumped a wall with the TOP of a frame once ...took forever to get the black off. I find the felt bumpers stick the best.

I actually like black paper and use it.
Funny that I should run across this thread today. This morning one of our Loooooooong time customers brought in a picture that we had framed 26 years ago. The dust cover (kraft) was adheared with ATG. The original stuff.
Trust me, it was NOT coming off. The kraft paper tore off nicely.....

As for using PVA John, I remember that glue smeared thumb well..... no thanks. I like keeping the work area (thumb included) as clean as possible.
