dull Koa frames--need oil?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
have a customer has 5-6 frames and thinks they need 'oiling' to get a shine from them. they are very nice wood but they are kinda dull...can/should he use something on them??? If so, what?

thanks all.
Yes, they need oil. Watco's Danish oil is good for that. After oiling and letting them set and wiping any excess oil off, you can put a coating of butchers wax on them to seal it and give it a good luster.
You should let Watco oil dry for 3 days (or more) before applying wax for the best results.
thanks for the info---beats squeezing coconuts for the oils!!!
I was going to say, “No!”.

All you really need to do is rotate the tires and add window washer fluid every 2000 miles or so.

<font face=arial size=-30>Sorry, it’s been a long week and I’m a little punchy.</font>
I'm glad to see you spoke up on this one. I was thinking that Koa was a lot like Teak in being naturally oily (lubricious, I think) and was wondering if it took any special care.
If they are oiled already then they will need a clean and a wax, not more oil.
Wally, you're correct; like the Teaks, Acacia Koa is an "oily" wood. And as Lance points out... wipe clean and wax.

Sometimes I have found that the "dull dry" look is actually the just being dusty. So I just wiped and buffed to a new glow.
Watco oil, the clear kind, 400 grit wet, dry sandpaper. Dip sandpaper into the oil, sand the frame until you build up an oily sludge. Wipe all excess oil and sludge from the frame, let dry for three days. Do this process over again two more times. Make sure on the final step to remove ALL residue oil and sludge before you let it dry. You should have an extremely smooth finish. Apply any good wax that does not hold a strong odor. I use Watco semi gloss liquid most of the time. I have also used a good automobile carnuba wax, both work great.

John, anything 'special' used to remove the oils???(other than lots of dry cloth)
I just use plain old toilet paper. You have to do it right after you are done rubbing in the oil. If you don't get it all, it becomes a real SOB to get off the frame after it dries.

That sludge you build up with the sandpaper is what fills in the grain of the wood, and it dries hard, in the grain is the only place you want it.

Solid Koa wood has a three dimensional grain, IF it is finished properly. It is one of the most beautiful woods you can find. Those laminated Koa frames destroy the whole affect, the wood just looks dead, no matter how you finish it.

Just thought of one very important thing. Watco oil will self combust, with out very much provocation at all. If you use TP, flush it. If you use rags, don't leave them laying about, put em in a metal can.

Originally posted by JRB:
Watco oil will self combust, with out very much provocation at all.....If you use rags, don't leave them laying about.
Don't leave them "laying about" in a crumpled heap, but hang them up or drape them over the edge of your sink where you rinsed them out with plain water after use. When they have completely dried (three days) then they are safe to throw away.

We once had (past tense) an employee who was familiar with the protocol but ignored it one day and threw the rags directly in the trash after use. I got a call from the fire department at 3 AM. The good news was that the sprinkler system did what it was supposed to. The bad news was that the sprinkler system did what it was supposed to...
now T H A T 'S invaluable info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David, There was a time when people were installing sprinklers in high end homes...

Now you can't get insurance if you have them.... if one goes off.... and they don't shut off untill the fire dept thinks to do that..

So you have a little bed fire that turns the home into a Katrina and now in Oregon, if the house has ever filed a water damage claim.... they won't insure it.... and when you can insure a house, you can't get financing, and ..... there are a lot of people who now just fix and pay instead of file.