

WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
I just wanted to share with y'all that last week I found out that DSL was available in my area and today I am hooked up!!! And it turns out that it practically installed itself with XP so with only a "little" help from a very nice young man named Jeff at Bell Sympatico - the whole procedure took less than 30 minutes!!!

Only one teensey problem - now I have to install more USB ports so I can unload my camera without unplugging and re-plugging USB cables!

Plus I have to ONCE AGAIN make the attempt to clean up and arrange all the cables, cords, wires, etc. that seem to be taking over my house!

But to go from 40kb/sec to 10 is a pure miracle!!!

And another plus is that DSL only costs about $5 more per month (and the first three months are $5 less!) than what I was paying for dial-up!!!

Happy! Happy! Happy!
now you're ready for internet music and video

just hooked up my stereo
Yes, little red and green Christmas lights - ho ho ho!!!

Don't believe what I quoted about the kilobytes per second. Baer pointed out to me that I am crazy. This I know. The literature sez up to 1000kbs/sec. Whatever.

The Grumble loads so fast now my little head is spinning!!! I used to be able to go make supper and come back before some threads would load.
I can’t get DSL (we’re too far from a switching station), but I do have cable. We only have dial up at home so my wife often bumps me out of my chair at work to do her stuff.

I just ran this speed test, and I’ve got me 3,212 kbps. (If you load this, just hit the “reset” button.)

Man, I love the internet now!
Interesting test. It came up with 5149 here, with Cox Cablemodem service.

DSL tends to be slower than cable in the USA, and faster in Canada. Either one sure beats dialup

Well, mine came up 139.60kbps which is about 4 times faster than what I'm used to !!! Of course when I mouse over my Internet icon on the bottom of my computer it says 1000mbps. Unless that means Millibytes instead of Megabytes?????
All internet companies "stretch the truth" a bit.
The only true test is an outside one, like the above link.

DSL and Cable are both shared bandwidth solutions. (cable with your neighbors, dsl is shared at the local office with other dsl folks within a couple miles). If your neighbors are all doing high bandwidth things, such as downloading files, it may slow down temporarily. It may be faster in the mornings than from 6-11pm for this very reason. Fewer people are on.

You have a very reliable connection now that's faster and doesn't tie up the phone. It's also possible to "network" your feed, with the purchase of a ~$50 device called a router. (If you have more than one computer in the house, they can share the same dsl)

Broadband is great. Congratulations!
DSL, as I knew it in another life as a Fone Man had a maximum speed of a little less than T1 bandwidth...which is 1.544Mbps. Which is the same as 1544kbps (1000X1000=1,000,000).

Ours usually worked around 1.00Mbps, because the DSL equipment used the overhead bits for its own purposes, and we used them for alarms; like when a card went bad at a remote site.

At first, you had to be no further than 1 mile from the central office, and the DSL had to work on copper pairs. Now, if you live in the sticks, like I do, you can get DSL, but only if your fone works on a DS3 carrier system, and there's a DSLAM bay at the remote terminal. The RT is only about 1/2 mile from me, but there's no DSLAM!
Ah, maybe one day..

Now you know more than you ever wanted to about DSL. A cable modem, on the other hand, with little or no traffic, but yours, can work at almost DS3 rate, which is 28 T1 lines...
1.544Mbps X 28. SMOKIN'!!!