Drymounting print with holographic sticker


PFG, Picture Framing God
Mar 30, 2006
Cincinnati, OH
I was preparing to drymount a print in my heat/vacuum press, and noticed that the print has one of those holographic stickers on the border, certifying it's an official product of Major League Baseball. I was planning to use Speedmount, at 150 degrees. Does anyone know whether the holographic sticker is going to react badly?

BTW, it's my first Thomas Kinkade! And it isn't bad -- a nice print of Pac Bell Park, where the SF Giants play.
The first time we encountered one of them for dry mounting, we were nervous, too. So we got ourselves a cheap baseball card at a "Chargealot" convenience store with a sticker on it, and gave it a try out.

No problems – neither with the baseball card nor the photo. And, we use hotter temperatures than is required for SpeedMount.

You should be okay.
Oh my God, Bill, there's silvery metallic goo running all over the print! Why oh why did I listen to you???

Just kidding. I just took it out of the press, and it seems fine. Cooling under glass now. Thanks for your reassurances! I'd hate to have messed up a Kinkade print. I hear those things are really valuable, one-of-a-kind items!
Man, you really scared me for a second PaulSF!! LOL

We dry mounted similar stuff with no problem.

One thing that's sports-related and would turn black in a heat press: Thermal printed tickets. Those are definitely a non-heatpress item.

And yes, definitely, TK prints are one of a kind... ;)
I'm amazed that TK would do a Giants print. I always pictured him as an Anaheim Angels guy.

Bill, you coulda put your VISA card in the press to test the holagram.