Drymount Foam


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 26, 2003
Alberta CANADA
The Framing Nook
Seems every year we are replacing our drymount foam - and we don't use it very often - once a week for laminating. It deteriates - leaves a deposit on the laminate - we use the 1/4" thk stuff from LJ - any better products out their - anyone try foam from the upholstry guy?
The foam we use is about 1/2 an inch thick.

It's black and a little more dense than that thin white stuff. It holds up well - except when you get some on drymount tissue - then it sticks to it and tears it out. We've learned to be careful of that happening.
I was just thinking I needed to replace mine. Been using the same stuff for 3 years now. What I have is gray and about 1/4" thick. I got it from United Mfrs.

Never even thought of alternatives. will be interested in opinions.
I guess I'm ignorant to what "dry mount foam" is...I presume it is the bottom pad in the drymount press. Is that what's being discussed?

I have about a 1" thick dense felt pad on the bottom of mine wrapped in release paper which I replace occassionally...once a year or so.

Dave Makielski
I assumed HB was asking about the foam placed on top of laminate so the air can escape when under pressure.
Thanks, Cliff. I haven't done heat lamination with my press although I do have some material made for heat laminating with a press instead of a roll laminator and may experiment with it. I primarily do cold pressure lamination with Xyron equipment.

Dave Makielski
That correct Cliff - on top of laminate film

Thanks all
BTW, I have used regular matboard for a different texture. Works fine. Use a rag or flat for a "glossier" look, or a textured mat for "almost" a linen look. Let's you achieve different textures without buying different laminate films. I use the foam usually, but anything that gives uniform coverage and allows the air to escape (without adhering to the laminate of course) will work.