Dry Mounting Press

Hey Guys,

With a question like this, you’re going to get an awful lot of editorial opinions … including mine.

I prefer (probably only because I own one), the Seal Masterpiece 500T. Except for a few thermostat changes, it has been cooking my grilled cheese sam’miches faithfully for over twenty years.

Don’t skimp on quality or size! A platen smaller than 26 x 34 will be a lot cheaper, but you’ll end up having to make several passes through the press, and in the long run will end up costing you money.
Remember that a dry mount press will not do EVERYTHING. With the problems of digital prints these days, alternative methods are needed.

New to our industry - but old technology are the cold and or hot roller systems.

There are also the combination vacumm / heat presses .

I have both a platten press (32 x 26), a combination vacumm press and use pressure activated materials. The choice of what to use is based on the item being mounted.

The one thing that I do not use is - all types of spray adhesive.
Originally posted by Tim & Tonja:
Any feedback on a <font color=red>quality </font>press that is <font color=red>economical </font>for a new framing business would be appreciated.
Two terms that are not necessarily compatible. What is "economical" to one person is higher that the proverbial balls on a giraffe for another!!

Do you want a mechanical press or a combination heat/vacuum press? Small, medium, large, what will it be used for?? will your average mount be on a 32x40 board or larger or smaller?

Just some different variables that can affect your decision on what to buy and also how much to spend. I have owned a combination vacuum press for 18 years and so naturally I would recommend that over any other type of press. But it was/is suitable to the type of work I have done in my shop and I didn't have to wish I bought something else through the years.

Do your homework, decide what you actually need a press for, and keep your eyes open for good used bargains on eBay and here in the Grumble.

Good luck.

Tim and Tonja: Call Jim LeTourneau here at Superior Moulding when you get a chance. He'll explain the pro's and con's of most any equipment you're looking at. We sell the HotPress mounter which Jim will swear by, but he'll also explain in detail why he swears by it.