Dry mounting ink jet photos?


True Grumbler
Jan 28, 2005
Papillion Nebraska
Mornin' Grumblers!

I have checked the archives but want to double check with you all to make sure I understand correctly. My husband called from work this morning and he wanted to know what we would charge his company to dry mount (6) 20 x 24 photos printed on a somewhat glossy paper with an HP755 printer. These would be mounted to black foam board with 1 1/2" left around the edge. I just want to make sure they can be dry mounted and if there is anything special I need to know. The archives were about 6 of one half dozen of the other. Some said yes, some said no. My boss is on vacation and she normally does the dry mounting. I don't think we need to worry about acid free, he said they wouldn't be hanging for years or anything. Also, if you don't mind my asking, what do you charge for something like this? I know different parts of the country are different, just want to get an idea.

Thanks so much!

contact HP customer service as to the heat sensitivity of the printer in question.........or ask for a test sample from the customer to destroy.
For 6 of them it would be about $135.00 drymounted on black fc with 1 1/2 around.

Ask if you can have a couple to experiment with.
All these ink jet inks behave differently. Add into the mix your type of drymount press/vacuum.

I would try one at normal temp and see how it does.

If it works try the real ones.
If I'm not mistaken, this is a pigment ink printer, in which case there's a strong probability that the prints can be dry mounted with a minimum of ill effects.